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CX Dialer

CX Dialer is a CX Voice component for outbound dialing. It receives dialing requests via the CX Dialer APIs, enqueues them in its Dialer database, dials out following the Dialing Flow, and returns call results to the CX VoiceConnector. For dialing requests where agent reservation is required it initiates agent reservation request to CX Routing via VoiceConnector.

Dialing Flow

  1. The dialer will periodically query the database and take note of all the campaigns and the number of their contacts present.

  2. Based on the available Call Slots:

    1. If the Number of Call Slots are more than the number campaigns

      1. At least one contact picked from each campaign.

      2. Preference given to campaign with least contacts.

      3. Dialing order for each campaign is FIFO, if multiple contacts from same campaign are picked.

      4. Overall dialing order is campaign with lowest contacts first.

    2. If the Number of Call Slots are less than or equal to the number of campaigns

      1. First for each campaign contacts are ordered by received_time ascending(from oldest added, to newest added)

      2. For each campaign the oldest added contact is put into a list

      3. This list is sorted by received_time ascending(from oldest added, to newest added)

      4. From this list we pick the first X number of contacts where X = free slots

  3. These contacts are then sequentially processed based on the campaign type.

IVR Campaigns

  1. For IVR based campaigns, the IVR number is taken from the contact entry if set.

  2. If the IVR number is not provided in the contact entry then the default IVR specified in the dialer configuration is used.

  3. The dialer checks via EFSwitch ESL if the gateway provided is valid.

    1. If it is valid, then the following command is sent to EFSwitch to initiate the call: 

      originate {session_in_hangup_hook=true,domain_name=EFSWITCH-IP,record_session=true,origination_caller_id_name=IVR-NUMBER,origination_caller_id_number=IVR-NUMBER,call_direction=outbound,origination_uuid=call_uuid}sofia/gateway/GATEWAY-ID/CUSTOMER-NUM IVR-NUMBER XML EFSWITCH-IP
    2. If invalid, the contact status is set to 'failed' and it will not be redialed.

    3. If the gateway is down then the contact status is set back to 'pending' to be tried again later.

  4. The call slots are decremented by 1.

  5. Once the call ends, the dialer receives a call-ended event from the EFSwitch ESL and:

    1. Stores the call result in the database and sets the status to 'ended'.

    2. Sends the call result to the Voice Connector for a Delivery notification to be sent to the CCM.

    3. Increments the call slots by 1.

Agent Campaigns

  1. If the campaign call type is of 'AGENT', then the contact status is set to 'agent_pending' and call information is posted to the voice connector API.

  2. The call slots are decremented by 1.

  3. The voice connector sends back the following payload when it received either an agent reserved or no agent available notification from the CCM:

  4. If no agent was available, the dialer sets the contact status to 'pending' to try again the next time it queries for pending contacts.

  5. If agent was reserved, then the dialer checks via EFSwitch ESL if the gateway provided is valid.

    1. If invalid, the contact status is set to 'failed' and it will not be redialed.

    2. If the gateway is down then the contact status is set back to 'pending' to be tried again later.

    3. In either case call information is sent to the voice connector which will send an END_CHAT payload to the CCM to close the conversation and free up the agent.

  6. The following command is sent to EFSwitch which will call the customer and bridge the answered call to the agent:

    originate {ignore_early_media=true,session_in_hangup_hook=true,sip_h_X-Destination-Number=SERVICE-IDENTIFIER,sip_h_X-CallType=PROGRESSIVE,customer_number=CUSTOMER-NUM,sip_h_X-CALL-VARIABLE0=CALL-ID,sip_h_X-Call-Id=CALL-ID,domain_name=EFSWITCH-IP,record_session=true,call_direction=outbound,sip_h_X-queueType=NAME,sip_h_X-queue='QUEUE_NAME',origination_uuid=CALL-ID,origination_caller_id_name=AGENT-EXTENSION,origination_caller_id_number=AGENT-EXTENSION,sip_h_X-agentExtension=AGENT-EXTENSION}sofia/gateway/GATEWAY-ID/CUSTOMER-NUM agent XML EFSWITCH-IP
  7. Once the call ends, the dialer receives a call-ended event from the EFSwitch ESL and:

    1. Stores the call result in the database and sets the status to 'ended'.

    2. Sends the call result to the Voice Connector for a Delivery notification to be sent to the CCM.

    3. Increments the call slots by 1.

    4. If the customer had dropped the call after answering (before the agent could be bridged):

      1. The dialer detects the case via the call variables in the call-ended event.

      2. Call information is sent to the voice connector which will send an END_CHAT payload to the CCM to close the conversation.

Database Structure and Management


There is a single table named contacts in the dialer database with the following schema:




Provided By


Unique UUID identifier used to identify this contact and call

VARCHAR(40) Not Null

Campaign Manager


The number to be dialed

VARCHAR(20) Not Null

Campaign Manager


Describes whether happens when the called number will be played an IVR menu or bridged to an agent. Can be set to IVR or AGENT

VARCHAR(20) Not Null

Campaign Manager


The UUID of the EFSwitch gateway to be used to dial the customer number

VARCHAR(40) Not Null

Campaign Manager


The campaign id


Not Null

Campaign Manager


The state the contact is in. Can be any of the following:

  • pending: awaiting processing by the dialer

  • agent_pending: awaiting an agent to be received from voice connector

  • dialed: contact has been sent to EFSwitch for dialing and is now waiting for result

  • ended: call result for this contact was received from EFSwitch

  • stopped: stopped via the campaign Stop API

  • failed: an error occured while dialing e.g. EFSwitch connection failed, Invalid gateway etc




The result of a call as received from EFSwitch e.g. NORMAL_CLEARING, USER_BUSY etc




The time at which the contact was received by the dialer




The time at which:

  • the contact was sent by the dialer to EFSwitch to be dialed or

  • an agent was requested from the CCM against this contact




An extension number that determines the IVR to be played when the customer answers. Optionally set if the campaign_type field is set to IVR


Campaign Manager


The dialing mode of this agent-based contact. Can be PREDICTIVE, PREVIEW or PROGRESSIVE. Currently only PROGRESSIVE is supported. Required if the campaign_type field is set to AGENT


Campaign Manager


Determines whether the agent-based contact will be routed to an agent picked from a certain queue or to a specific agent. Can be AGENT or QUEUE. Currently only QUEUE is supported. Required if the campaign_type field is set to AGENT


Campaign Manager


Required if the campaign_type field is set to AGENT. If the routing_mode field is set to:

  • AGENT, then this must contain the CX Agent ID

  • QUEUE, then this can optionally be set to the CX queue ID from which the agent will be picked

Not in use


Campaign Manager


The name of the queue from which the agent will be picked from for the agent-based contact if routing_mode is set to QUEUE. If left empty, the default queue set in the CX Voice channel will be used


Campaign Manager


The contact priority between 1-10. Currently not in use


Campaign Manager


Not in use


Campaign Manager


The contact cannot be dialed before this time. Currently not in use


Campaign Manager


The contact cannot be dialed after this time. Currently not in use


Campaign Manager

Start/Stop/Purge Campaigns from database

The dialer exposes three APIs that can be called by the campaign manager to start, stop or purge campaigns:

Data Lifetime

There is no limit to the data that can be stored in the database, nor is there any expiry/archival time for entries. However there is a scheduled task dedicated to the following case:

  • If the dialer either sends a contact to EFSwitch for dialing, or requests an agent for a contact from the voice connector, the status of that contact will be set to dialed or agent_pending respectively.

  • Subsequently if the database connection is lost when either EFSwitch publishes the call result or the agent information is received by dialer from the voice connector, then the dialer will not be able to access the respective contact and its status will therefore stay stuck on the dialed or agent_pending status.

  • A periodic function checks each 10 minutes(non-configurable) for contacts for which the (configurable) MAX_CALL_TIME limit has exceeded, i.e. the difference between the current time and the contact’s dialed_time field is greater than the MAX_CALL_TIME.

  • If the MAX_CALL_TIME limit is reached, then the contact is set back to the pending status to be processed again.

Additional/Miscellaneous Behavior


In order to prevent the dialing speed from exceeding the value allowed by the SIP trunk or EFSwitch, the dialer throttles it dialing speed via the environment variable CALLS_PER_SECOND.

Dialer Status

This API can be used to check the configured value of MAX_CONCURRENT_CALLS and the current number of active calls i.e. contacts with the dialed or agent_pending state.


Call Slots

The number of contacts that will be chosen for dialing from the pool of contacts in the database. This value is calculated by subtracting the number of contacts in the dialed or agent_pending state from the environment variable MAX_CONCURRENT_CALLS.

Dialer Configuration Parameters

The configuration parameters and their expected values are described in this table:

Config Params

Expected Values



IP Address e.g.

The URL of the database from which contacts are to be pulled. Change this to the IP address of the current server


Text e.g. admin

The dialer database username


Number e.g. 10

Maximum number of calls that can be active at a time

This value must always be less than the maximum concurrent calls allowed on the EFSwitch SIP trunk in use for outbound calls. If set higher, then the extra calls created by the dialer will be stuck in the database on the dialed state. These stuck calls can only be removed by directly interacting with the database.

Before setting this value also account for the call volumes and speed of the other types of calls taking place on the EFSwitch (manual outbound, IVR inbound etc).

To confirm the maximum concurrent calls allowed by the trunk, contact your SIP Trunk provider.


Text e.g. abc123

The dialer database password


Number e.g. 5432

The dialer database port (Default 5432)


Text e.g. dialer

The dialer database name


Number e.g. 3000

Maximum time allowed (in milliseconds) for connecting to the database. (Default 3000)


IP Address e.g.

IP address of the EFSwitch ESL to use. (The IP of the server that EFSwitch is deployed on)


Number e.g. 8021

Port of the EFSwitch ESL. (Default 8021, Same as in EFSwitch settings here)


Text e.g. ClueCon

Password for the EFSwitch ESL. (Default ClueCon, Same as in EFSwitch settings here)


IVR Dialing number e.g. *9664

Default IVR to play in case of none provided for outbound call (Default *9664)


Number e.g. 1218

Service Identifier for the voice connector. (Default 1218, set in EFSwitch IVR settings here)


FQDN with IP Address and port e.g.

Webhook of the voice connector. Format: http://VC-IP:Port


Number e.g. 60

Delay in seconds between checking EFSwitch ESL connection status


Number e.g. 20

Delay in seconds before retrieving contacts from the dialer database


Number e.g. 10

The maximum number of calls that can be generated in a second

This value must always be less than the sessions-per-second value in EFSwitch otherwise the excess calls created per second by the dialer will be stuck in the database on the dialed state. These stuck calls can only be removed by directly interacting with the database. To confirm the value of sessions-per-second on EFSwitch:

  • Open the EFSwitch command line on the EFSwitch server via the command fs_cli -p <EFSwitch-CLI-Password>

  • Run the command fsctl sps and note the value displayed.

  • Before setting this value also account for the call volumes and speed of the other types of calls taking place on the EFSwitch (manual outbound, IVR inbound etc).


Number e.g. 60

The time in minutes for which each contact in the database is allowed to stay on the dialed or agent_pending states, after which it’s state is manually updated to pending state to be retried

This value must always be greater that the Agent TTL value in the EF CX Channel Settings in Unified Admin.



Determines the amount of detail in the logs. Default is INFO, and for more detailed logs the value should be DEBUG.

Includes Outbound campaign dialing (IVR and Agent-based), Multiple campaign handling, Call result saving, Returning call results to CX, Campaign controls(start, stop, purge)




Outbound IVR campaigns

Dial out a call to the customer and play a specified IVR menu.

Outbound Agent-based campaigns

(Progressive Mode)

Reserve an agent against a customer, dial a call to the customer, and connect them to the reserved agent.

Multiple campaign dialing

  • Algorithm decides how many calls per campaign to dial out for any given number of free call slots.

  • If free slots greater than total campaigns, then contacts are picked from each campaign in order of smallest campaign to largest.

  • Within a campaign, contacts are picked according to the FIFO order(queue).

  • If free slots lesser than or equal to total campaigns then 1 contact each picked from as many campaigns as there are slots, in order of smallest campaign to largest.

Record call results

Record result of each call e.g. Normal clearing, user busy, invalid gateway etc and store in database along with other contact information.

Send call results to CX

Send result of each agent-based call as Delivery notifications to EFCX via the voice connector.

Campaign controls

  • Stop pending contacts of a campaign.

  • Start stopped contacts of a campaign.

  • Purge pending contacts of a campaign.


  • No way to switch between LIFO/FIFO/priority when select contacts from within a campaign.

  • No priority when allotting call slots to campaigns.

  • Cannot add more than 1 contact at a time to database.

  • If EFswitch connection is lost, then call counter will be initialized to zero as a precaution, however this may mean that total calls will go over the set limit.

  • Contacts do not have any expiry time.

  • Before dialing each contact, the dialer checks if the gateway on EFSwitch is up. If it is down, the contact status is set back to pending. There is no limit set for how many retries are allowed.

  • Multiple campaigns cannot have the same contact number.

  • There is no way to detect invalid IVR numbers and call results for invalid IVR calls will be successful results(NORMAL_CLEARING).

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