Forms Developer Guide
The purpose of this guide is to provide information to developers on how to develop forms. Forms are used by Agents and third parties for carrying out customer interactions. The Forms APIs enable third-party developers to create and manage forms for applications. This document provides instructions on how to consume form interface using the form object as well as managing form responses.
Intended Audience
This guide is intended for developers with basic knowledge of REST APIs, HTTP requests, and JSON data.
Form APIs
All API requests require No Authentication is required to access the Forms API. The Forms API is publicly available at All API endpoints use HTTPS.
You can also access form component as admin user via Unified Admin of Expertflow CX. To create an admin user. please follow these steps:
Register a user on KeyCloak.
Assign admin role to that user.
Login unified-admin of Expertflow CX to access form component.
Detail description is on Form APIs.