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Task Priority

Priority is an attribute assigned to any task to route that task to an agent in an expedited manner. By default, all tasks in the system have a priority of 1 and are served on a FIFO (First In, First Out) basis.

Priority Range

The priority range in the system is from 1 to 11. Priority 11 is reserved exclusively for RONA cases. For all other tasks, the priority can be set from 1 to 10.

How to set a Task Priority

  1. From Controller

We can set the task priority when calling the RE API to find an agent. Additionally, we can set the priority by assigning labels to customers.

    "queue": "62dff614d1f0c94191c244d2",
    "requestSession": null,
    "channelSessions": [],
    "type": null,
    "priority": 1

This is the payload required by the assign-resource API of RE. The Conversation Manager calls this API to assign an agent to a customer based on the action event FIND_AGENT. When the controller passes this FIND_AGENT event to the Conversation Manager, we can also pass the desired priority.

  1. By assigning a label to customer

We can also set the priority of a chat by assigning a label to the customer. For more details, please refer to this document.

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