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_CX Release Notes 4.5.6

Release Name

CX 4.5.6



Dev Completion Date

Release Date

Release Summary

New in CX 4.5.6

Following are the planned improvements and fixes



Encoding and Encryption


CCM calling REDIS twice to get channel session

Improve conversation state machine

CX 4.5.6 Release Limitations

Expand to view limitations

Release Limitations

Release Test Highlights

Tested Features

Un-Tested Features

Planned Epics

Expand to view all epics

Key Status
Authenticate to retrieve your issues

Planned Features and Stories

Expand to view features and stories planned

Key Status
Authenticate to retrieve your issues

Planned Bugs

Expand to view bugs planned for this release

Key Status
Authenticate to retrieve your issues

Issues Opened in this release

Expand to view issues opened in this release

Key Status
Authenticate to retrieve your issues

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