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The intent attribute signals the system about specific actions that should be taken when the message is processed. If the intent attribute is set, the message is considered an instruction rather than a normal message. This attribute allows for initiating or controlling the flow of a conversation, such as starting or ending a chat session.

Below are the types of intents EF CX supports.




This is a special intent added to the system that allows the client application to start a conversation in EF CX.

No routing action is performed with this intent; the system simply creates a channel session and conversation, then waits for further actions e.g. close conversation, route to agent etc.

The WebRTC JS SDK uses this intent to initiate the video call from FreeSwitch and route it to the agent via Cisco.

On WebRTC call initiation, the SDK creates a channel session and conversation, then sets some values in the conversation- data. When the call is on Cisco, it reads the parameters set in the conversation-data to route the call to the agent


Client applications set this intent in the message header if they want to start a chat session. For example, after filling out the pre-chat form, the web widget sends a CIMMessage with this intent to start the chat session


Client sets this intent in message header if they want to end a chat session. E.g. As soon as the customer ends the chat from web widget, a CIM Message with this intent to end the session.


Client sets this intent in message header if they want to start a voice call.


Client sets this intent in message header if they want to end a voice call.


The voice channel sets this intent as soon as the call is established.


The voice channel sets this intent as soon as the call ends.


CX Voice sends this intent to reserve an agent.


The IVR application can send CIM Message with this intent to push the IVR trail as a combined activity.


The channel connector sets this intent to indicate that this message is the response to a message sent to client. If this intent is set, the connector must also specify the originalMessageId and providerMessageId.

UPDATE - used to update/edit a message

Client sets this intent when a message is updated/edited.


Nabeel to add this intent


Nabeel to add this intent

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