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Supervisor Controls

Supervisor Capabilities

This document describes the capabilities of Expertflow Contact Center Supervisors.

A CX Supervisor has default access to all agents and additional features explained below. Also, see Security and User Permissions to know the additional capabilities of a supervisor.



Monitor Dashboards

The dashboards embedded in Agent Desk are the real-time dashboards for supervisors to view the summary statistics of the contact center including queues, agent states, and real-time conversations that are ongoing with agents and the bots.

Silent Monitoring

Enables a supervisor to monitor an ongoing conversation silently between the agent and the customer.


Enables a supervisor to monitor and barge in the conversation if required.

Team Announcements

Enables a supervisor to create, edit, and delete announcements for one's team agents.

Customer Lists

Allows a supervisor to view Customer Lists to show the customer records.

Customer Schema

Allows the business administrator or anybody who has permission to customize the Customer fields.

Customer Labels

Allows the business to categorize customers based on certain characteristics such as customer segment, language, and type (gold, platinum, standard). 

Subscribed List

Enables a supervisor to know about subscribed lists and how to join PULL based request from a List.

End PULL-based Requests

Enables a supervisor to end PULL-based requests.

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