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WebRTC for CX (Audio/Video/Screen sharing) on Agent Desk

The primary objective of this Feature is to integrate WebRTC functionality into the Expertflow CX platform, enabling customers to connect with agents via web browsers and mobile applications.

WebRTC Capabilities

  • Voice/Audio

  • Video

  • Screen Sharing

WebRTC Audio Calls

As a customer, I would like to make an audio call to the business and would like to have a self-service experience (traditional/conversational IVR). I would like to be connected to the appropriate agent.

As an agent, I would like to:

  • see inbound call notification with appropriate details about the caller and the source of the call (WebRTC).

  • have necessary call controls for call handling.

WebRTC Video Calls

As a customer, I would like to make a video call to the business and would like to have a self-service experience (traditional/conversational IVR), video on hold, and would like to be connected to the appropriate agent.

As an agent, I would like to:

  • see inbound video call notification with appropriate details about the caller and the source of the call (WebRTC).

  • have embedded video call controls for call handling where I can:

    • View customer’s video

    • Share my video from a connected camera device

    • other video call controls…

WebRTC Screen sharing Calls

  • As a Customer, during a chat session, I want the ability to initiate screen sharing to provide clearer explanations or demonstrate issues.

  • As an agent, I need to receive notifications when a customer initiates screen sharing during a chat session, allowing me to engage more effectively

Limitations and Behaviors for Audio , Video and Screen sharing Calls

Screen sharing

  • Default Behavior:

    • Customer sharing their screen will have their video disabled but agent can see his screen sharing tab.

    • Agent video will remain disabled until it is explicitly enabled via videoCam button upon toggling.

Video Call

  • Default Behavior:

    • Both participants video screens are visible by default.

    • Either participant can toggle their cameras using videoCam button.

    • Video calls allow both video and screen sharing.

    • If cameras are turned off, it will be considered as an audio call, but video boxes will remain to indicate that it was initially a video call

Video to Screen sharing Call

  • Switching to Screen sharing:

    • The person switching to screen sharing will replace their video with the screen sharing tab.

    • The remote video of Agent will remain active until it is explicitly disabled via videoCam button.

Audio Call

  • Behavior:

    • No video or screen sharing is allowed.

    • If a customer initiates an audio call, the agent can listen to the alerting message. It will function like a normal audio call.

Not Supported Transitions

  • Video to Audio Call: Not supported.

  • Screen sharing to Audio Call: Not supported.

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