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An AgentTeam represents a group of agents supervised by one or multiple supervisors (one primary, the other secondary). A Team also has some queues associated with the team for the supervisor to monitor the statistics of those queues.

Agent Teams in EFCX are set up in unified admin. See Team Configuration in Unified Admin  

While understanding the Team concept, follow the following key points:

  1. Each team must have a unique team name.

  2. A team can have its description (limit 300 letters).

  3. A team can have only one primary supervisor.

  4. A team can have one or multiple secondary supervisors

  5. A team can have one or multiple agents

  6. An agent can only be a part of one and only one team.

  7. If a user is assigned to a team as a primary supervisor, they cannot be added to the same team as a secondary supervisor, and vice versa.

  8. To change a team of an agent, you first need to remove the agent from the earlier team and add it to the other team.

  9. Admin can optionally assign/unassign some of the team agents directly to one of the secondary supervisors of the team.

  10. There's absolutely no difference in the capabilities of primary or secondary supervisors. Both share the same feature set.

  11. Queues become a part of a team based on the logical grouping of queues with agents (i.e. queues which agents of the team are a part of, automatically become a part of the team as well).

  12. A supervisor (primary or supervisor) can supervise multiple teams at the same time.

  13. A supervisor can also be an agent in the same team or in a different team.

  14. A user can be a primary supervisor for one team while secondary supervisor for another team.

  15. A supervisor is only able to manage his team(s)

  16. A supervisor can monitor and take actions on the agents and queues (typically via some dashboards) of their teams. These actions include, monitoring agents and forcefully logging them out, monitoring chats which are active with their team agents and silently monitoring and barging in to the ongoing chats

  17. A supervisor can create announcements for their team(s) to notify about upcoming events or share any other information with their team

  18. An announcement that is created by primary or secondary supervisors, will be broadcasted to all agents of the team.

  19. Any updation in user teams will only be reflected once the user re-logins the system.

  20. For CISCO (UCCE and UCCX) teams,

    1. Users have the ability to update team information within EFCX, however, these changes are not automatically synced with the CISCO platform

    2. One way syncing is enabled. If anything change in teams attributes in CISCO, changes will reflect in EFCX teams

    3. If an agent or supervisor is added to or removed from the team from CISCO, the changes will be reflected in the EFCX teams when the supervisor or agent logs in to Finesse.

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