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Business Calendars Limitations

  • An event can be a part of a single calendar at the moment.

  • Admin can view events of a single calendar on the User Interface and if there are multiple calendar with multiple events, admin can check the respective calendar to view the events of that particular calendar.

  • Shifts can only span a single day. If a shift extends into the next day, the admin should create a new event for the following day.

    Multiple shifts can be scheduled, but these shifts must be validated individually. For example, a shift cannot be scheduled from 10:00 A.M. to 08:00 A.M.; the system will throw a validation error stating that the end time cannot be before the start time. This validation applies to individual shifts but not across multiple shifts. For instance, one shift can be from 10:00 A.M. to 04:00 P.M., and another shift can be from 02:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.

  • Details of each shift will be visible in the event preview dialog, including the title, timings, event date, etc.

  • The event start time will be considered the start time of the first shift, and the end time will be the end time of the last shift. For example, with the above two shifts, the start time of the contact center will be 10:00 A.M., and the end time will be 10:00 P.M.

  • In recurring events, if the recurrence is set to never or if the validity period is set in such a way that it exceeds 365 occurrences, the system will ignore those extra occurrences. For example, if the recurrence is set to daily with a start date of July 24, 2024, and the validity period is until December 24, 2025, the system will adjust the validity period to end on July 24, 2025, to ensure it does not exceed 365 occurrences.

  • Similarly, if the recurrence is set to weekly and an event is to be repeated on Friday, then it will have four events in a month and 52 events in a year. This event will continue to repeat for approximately the next 7 years, given the limit of 365 occurrences.

  • Error messages are not being shown on the form at the moment.

  • Permissions related to Business calendars are yet to be implemented on Key Cloak side and will be confirmed on Business calendars side as well.

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