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How to update admin passwords in CX components

Unified Admin

To change the Unified Admin’s admin user password do the following steps:

  1. Goto [FQDN]/auth and log in with Keycloak’s default admin credentials.

  2. On the top left, select Expertflow Realm.

  3. Click on the Users tab in the left penal.

  4. Click on admin user in the user's list, then click on the credentials tab.

  5. Click Reset Password to update the admin user password.

Once the admin password of Expertflow Realm is updated, you now need to update it in config-maps too so that Keycloak Connector API calls work properly.

  1. Go to the following directory path to update config-map: /cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/

  2. delete all the deployments first using kubectl command. kuebctl delete -f ./Deployments

  3. now move to the config-maps directory: /cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/ConfigMaps

  4. delete the old config-map of: ef-connection-env-configmap.yaml using kubectl.

  5. edit the file: ef-connection-env-configmap.yaml

  6. update the env variable KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD_ADMIN with updated Admin password.

  7. Create the config-map ef-connection-env-configmap.yaml again using kubectl command.

  8. Move one directory back and Create the deployments again kuebctl create -f ./Deployments

If cisco-teams-synchronizer service is also deployed, then update admin password in its config-map as well.

  1. Go to the following directory path to update config-map: cim-solution/kubernetes/voice/cisco/cisco-teams-sync/

  2. delete the deployment first using kubectl command. kuebctl delete -f ./job

  3. now move to the config-maps directory: /cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/config-map

  4. delete the old config-map of: ef-cisco-team-synchronizer-cm.yaml

  5. edit the file: ef-cisco-team-synchronizer-cm.yaml

  6. update the env variable PASSWORD_ADMIN with updated Admin password.

  7. Create the config-map ef-cisco-team-synchronizer-cm.yaml again using kubectl.

  8. Move one directory back and Create the deployments again kuebctl create -f ./job


To change the Keycloak's admin user password do the following steps:

  1. Goto [FQDN]/auth and log in with Keycloak’s default admin credentials.

  2. On the top left, select Master Realm.

  3. Click on the Users tab in the left penal.

  4. Click on admin user in the user's list, then click on the credentials tab.

  5. Click Reset Password to update the keycloak’s admin user password.


To change Grafana's admin user password do the following steps:

  1. Goto [FQDN]/grafana and log in with the default admin credentials.

  2. Hover over the user avatar icon on the bottom left to see the options.

  3. Click Change Password to update the password.


To change Superset’s admin user password do the following steps:

  1. Goto [FQDN] or [IP]:[Nodeport] and log in with the default admin credentials.

  2. Click Settings menu on the top left, then under Users submenu click Info.

  3. Click Reset My Password button.

  4. On the next screen (Reset Password Form), update the desired password and click Save button.

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