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Cisco voice Deployment on Kubernetes

This document illustrates the procedure and steps to deploy Expertflow Cisco Voice on Kubernetes.

Before you begin, verify

Prepare for Cisco Voice Deployment

Step 1: Create Namespaces

  1. Create a namespace cisco-voice for all cisco components.

# Run the following command on the control-plane node.
kubectl create namespace cisco-voice

Step 2: Apply Image Pull secret

  1. Run the following commands for applying ImagePullSecrets of Expertflow CX images.

kubectl apply -f voice/pre-deployment/registryCredits/ef-imagePullSecret-cisco-voice.yaml

Step 3: Update FQDN

Expertflow cisco should be accessible by a fully qualified domain name. Assign the FQDN that resolves to the control plane node or KubeVIP.

# Replace <FQDN> with your FQDN for cisco voice and run this command.
sed -i 's/devops[0-9]*<FQDN>/g' voice/cisco/Ingresses/* 

Step 4: Set ConfigMap Fields

  1. Open the Cisco outbound connector ConfigMap with:

vi voice/cisco/ConfigMaps/ef-cisco-outbound-connector-configmap.yaml
  1. Change the values as follows:

    1. CISCO_FQDN: The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the EF CX.

    2. CISCO_TYPE: Set to CCX or CCE depending on the type of Cisco call center in use (UCCX/UCCE)

    3. CISCO_USERNAME: The administrator username of the Cisco call center.

    4. CISCO_PASS: The administrator password of the Cisco call center.

  2. Exit the editor by pressing the Esc key then entering :wq

Deploy cisco voice Components

  1. Apply all configurations in the ConfigMaps folder using

kubectl apply -f voice/cisco/ConfigMaps
  1. Create services for all deployment EF components

kubectl apply -f voice/cisco/Services
  1. Apply all the Deployment manifests 

kubectl apply -f voice/cisco/Deployments
  1. Before proceeding to the the next steps, wait for all the solution components to be up and ready.

# Wait for the CX voice to be ready
kubectl -n cisco-voice get pods

Step 4: Setup Ingress Routes

For RKE2-based Ingresses using Ingress-Nginx Controller

kubectl apply -f voice/cisco/Ingresses
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