CX uninstallation
The purpose of this document is to uninstall the cim solution
Uninstall Rancher ( only if Rancher was installed )
To uninstall the rancher
it is a destructive command and will result in data loss.
Uninstall the Rancher UI if it is installed
helm uninstall rancher -n cattle-system
and cert-manager
helm uninstall cert-manager -n cert-manager
Uninstallation of External Components
To delete the config map of PostgreSQL
kubectl -n ef-external delete configmap ef-postgresql-license-manager-cm
it is a destructive command and will result in data loss.
To uninstall the PostgreSQL
helm uninstall ef-postgresql -n ef-external
change the directory to Kubernetes
cd cim-solution/kubernetes
to delete the config map of keycloak.
kubectl delete -f pre-deployment/keycloak/ef-keycloak-configmap.yaml
it is a destructive command and will result in data loss.
To uninstall the keycloak
helm uninstall keycloak -n ef-external
it is a destructive command and will result in data loss.
To uninstall the mongo
helm uninstall mongo -n ef-external
it is a destructive command and will result in data loss.
to uninstall the minio
helm uninstall minio -n ef-external
it is a destructive command and will result in data loss.
to uninstall the redis
helm uninstall redis -n ef-external
To delete the secret of grafana.
kubectl -n ef-external delete secret ef-grafana-datasource-secret
To delete the dashboard provider configmap of grafana.
kubectl delete cm ef-grafana-dashboard-provider-cm -n ef-external
To delete the garafana.ini configmap of grafana.
kubectl -n ef-external delete configmap ef-grafana-ini-cm
it is a destructive command and will result in data loss.
To delete the grafana supervisor dashboards files.
MYSQL Dashboard
kubectl -n ef-external delete configmap ef-grafana-supervisor-dashboard-mysql
MSSQL Dashboard
kubectl -n ef-external delete configmap ef-grafana-supervisor-dashboard-mssql
To uninstall the grafana
helm uninstall grafana -n ef-external
to uninstall the superset
helm uninstall superset -n ef-bi
Deleting PVC will remove all the data and result in irrecoverable data.
To delete the redeployment of rasa-x.
kubectl delete -f pre-deployment/rasa-x-1.1.2/ef-rasa-x-nginx-standard-conf.yaml
Deleting PV will remove all the data and result in irrecoverable data.
to uninstall the rasa-x
helm uninstall rasa-x -n rasa-x
Delete all the PVC for rasa-x
kubectl -n rasa-x delete persistentvolumeclaim/data-rasa-x-rabbit-0 persistentvolumeclaim/data-rasa-x-postgresql-0 persistentvolumeclaim/redis-data-rasa-x-redis-master-0
Expertflow Components
change the directory to cim
cd cim/
Conversation Manager ConfigMaps
To delete the configmaps of conversation manager
kubectl -n expertflow delete configmap ef-conversation-controller-actions-cm
kubectl -n expertflow delete configmap ef-conversation-controller-actions-pycache-cm
kubectl -n expertflow delete configmap ef-conversation-controller-actions-utils-cm
Reporting Connector ConfigMaps
To delete the configmap of reporting connector
kubectl -n expertflow delete configmap ef-reporting-connector-conf
kubectl -n expertflow delete configmap ef-reporting-connector-cron
Delete App Translations based & all other configmap in the ConfigMaps folder using
kubectl delete configmap ef-app-translations-cm -n expertflow
kubectl delete -f ConfigMaps/
To uninstall ActiveMQ
kubectl delete -f StatefulSet/
Delete all the Deployment manifests using
kubectl delete -f Deployments/
Delete services for all deployment EF components
kubectl delete -f Services/
To delete the Traefik-based ingress
kubectl delete -f Ingresses/traefik/
To delete the Nginx based ingress
kubectl delete -f Ingresses/nginx/
To delete the PVC of all the external components
To delete the PVC of activeMQ
kubectl delete pvc -n ef-external activemq-data-ef-amq-0
To delete the PVC of postgreSQL
kubectl delete pvc -n ef-external data-ef-postgresql-0
To delete the PVC of the superset
kubectl delete pvc -n ef-external data-superset-postgresql-0
To delete the PVC of mongo
kubectl delete pvc -n ef-external datadir-mongo-mongodb-0
To delete the PVC of redis
kubectl delete pvc -n ef-external redis-data-redis-master-0
Deleting PV will remove all the data and result in irrecoverable data.
PV (Persistent volume)
first, we need to get all PV`s lists.
kubectl get pv -n ef-external
To delete all persistent volumes.
kubectl delete pv {presistent-volumne-name} -n ef-external