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Volume Cloning Procedure

In cases where the stateful set or persistent storage workload is unable to claim its Volume due to some unknown errors, this procedure illustrates a procedure to replicate or clone an already existing volume and use it specially for a new workload.

This procedure can be applied to any of these components to re-claim the PV+PVC pair and replicate in case there are problems in accessing the PVC or PV

  • activeMQ
  • redis
  • mongo
  • minio
  • postgres

This procedure is only valid for the ability to create CSI Clone of the existing PVCs. In case the Longhorn or any other Storage Volume is down or can't operate successfully, it will fail to create a replicated PVC.

CSI-Volume Cloning

Kubernetes allows volume cloning using CSI Driver ( longhorn in case of Expertflow Solution ) . 

Create a PVC clone of the original PVC

Determine the source PVC by executing

kubectl -n ef-external get pvc 

with a sample output as given below

# kubectl -n ef-external get pvc
NAME                        STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
activemq-data-ef-amq-0      Bound    pvc-5271c1fa-5a7e-47b1-a835-2743fba1c4fe   8Gi        RWO            longhorn       44h
data-ef-postgresql-0        Bound    pvc-5b5c9b5f-bbf1-424c-9179-ca660978fc80   32Gi       RWO            longhorn       44h
datadir-mongo-mongodb-0     Bound    pvc-5e83bdf8-13f5-422e-837f-8b33c244a736   8Gi        RWO            longhorn       44h
grafana                     Bound    pvc-7d1846f9-155f-4ff1-af40-7a0ee4963175   1Gi        RWO            longhorn       44h
minio                       Bound    pvc-d2002a4c-fe4b-4ff5-88d1-54d480447d41   8Gi        RWO            longhorn       44h
redis-data-redis-master-0   Bound    pvc-c1797237-0832-4ac8-8bc7-198d8e3e62c3   4Gi        RWO            longhorn       44h

Create replica PVC

to replicate or clone a PVC, create a manifest as given below and change the parameters accordingly ( saved as replicated-clone.yaml )

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: datadir-mongo-mongodb-0-clone
  namespace: ef-external
  storageClassName: longhorn
    name: datadir-mongo-mongodb-0
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 8Gi

Create a PVC clone by

kubectl apply -f replicated-clone.yaml

wait for sometime to get it replicated. Based on the dataset size of the source PVC, it may take sometime to finish cloning. it will remain in "PENDING" state untill fully cloned.

# kubectl -n ef-external   get pvc
NAME                            STATUS    VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
datadir-mongo-mongodb-0         Bound     pvc-dd7730b1-1436-4068-b00b-5470211efc0e   8Gi        RWO            longhorn       6m18s
datadir-mongo-mongodb-0-clone   Pending                                                                        longhorn       4s

and once cloned successfully, it will show the status like 

# kubectl -n ef-external   get pvc
NAME                            STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
datadir-mongo-mongodb-0         Bound    pvc-dd7730b1-1436-4068-b00b-5470211efc0e   8Gi        RWO            longhorn       6m46s
datadir-mongo-mongodb-0-clone   Bound    pvc-2c71c1e7-b2cc-46e3-809e-c945fbbbd70d   8Gi        RWO            longhorn       32s

Recreate the Workload

Once the clone is up and in Bound State, create a new Mongo-DB deployment and configure the helm command to use an already existing PVC

helm upgrade --install=true --namespace=ef-external --create-namespace --set persistence.existingClaim="datadir-mongo-mongodb-0-clone" --values=./kubernetes/external/bitnami/mongodb/values-small.yaml mongo  ./kubernetes/external/bitnami/mongodb/

Once the mongodb instance comes up as ready, you can check the data as complete copy of the original PVC.

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