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Upgrade Guide CX-4.6 to CX-4.6.1

Before upgrading, ensure that the system is idle, i.e., all agents are logged out from the AgentDesk.
Make sure the system is idle for 30 minutes, to sync the reporting data

  1. Clone the CX repository on the target server

    # Create CX-4.6.1 directory from root
    mkdir CX-4.6.1 
    # Navigate to CX-4.6.1 
    cd CX-4.6.1 
    # Clone the 4.6.1  branch of cim-solution repository
    git clone -b CX-4.6.1
    # Navigate to root(previous) directory
    cd ..
    # Navigate to the following folder of the existing release
    cd cim-solution/kubernetes
  2. Stop core Deployments

    # Navigate to the following folder of the existing release i.e. CX-4.6
    cd cim-solution/kubernetes
    kubectl delete -f cim/Deployments
  3. Update the ConfigMaps

The value of this variable represents the expiry time for tracker keys in Redis. It must always be set to a value greater than either the agent SLA or customer SLA, whichever is higher. The default value is 24 hours.

# Update the conversation-controller Config
  1) kubectl delete -f cim/ConfigMaps/ef-conversation-controller-configmap.yaml
  2) Open cim/ConfigMaps/ef-conversation-controller-configmap.yaml
  3) Add following new environment variables
  4) kubectl apply -f cim/ConfigMaps/ef-conversation-controller-configmap.yaml   
  1. Update the core Deployments

    # update deployment
    1) Copy deployment folder from CX-4.6.1 to current release
    From CX-4.6.1/cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/Deployments 
    To cim-solution/kubernetes/cim/Deployments

Update the replica count for components as per your workload.

  1. start core Deployments

    # Apply all deployments
    kubectl apply -f cim/Deployments
  2. Update the Survey Deployments

    # Update Survey Backend tag
      1) kubectl delete -f cx-surveys/Deployments/survey-backend-deployment.yaml
      2) Open cx-surveys/Deployments/survey-backend-deployment.yaml
      3) Update tag
      4) kubectl apply -f cx-surveys/Deployments/survey-backend-deployment.yaml
    # Update Survey Backend tag
      1) kubectl delete -f cx-surveys/Deployments/survey-studio-deployment.yaml
      2) Open cx-surveys/Deployments/survey-studio-deployment.yaml
      3) Update tag image:
      4) kubectl apply -f cx-surveys/Deployments/survey-studio-deployment.yaml 

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