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CX SIP Proxy as a CUSP Replacement

CX SIP Proxy can be used as a replacement of Cisco Unified SIP Proxy (CUSP). See the following table for a feature comparison:


Cisco CUSP

CX SIP Proxy

Proxy for SIP unified communications signaling



Signaling support

(tick) (voice)

(tick) (voice)

Address resolution

(tick) (DNS: Type A and SRV and Type NAPTR)

(tick) (DNS: Type A and SRV, ENUM)

TCP, User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Transport Layer Security (TLS)



Redundancy and high availability options



SIP header manipulation



Support for IPv4 and IPv6



Call admission control



Dynamic call routing and load balancing



QoS support



Monitoring and reporting through syslog, SNMP, and SNMP traps



The scenarios for replacing CUSP with CX SIP Proxy for outbound and inbound calls are given here.

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