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Superset Deployment for Reporting

Expertflow CX uses Apache Superset for historical reports.

Deploy Superset on a dedicated node for a production deployment.

Superset will be deployed in ef-bi namespace. Run the following command on the master node.

kubectl create namespace ef-bi

Create image pull secret for ef-bi namespace.

kubectl apply -f pre-deployment/registryCredits/ef-imagePullSecret-ef-bi.yaml

Add the charts repository

helm repo add expertflow

update the repository

helm repo update expertflow

clone the values file and update the parameters

mkdir helm-values

clone the values file for elasticsearch

helm show values expertflow/superset > helm-values/superset-custom-values.yaml

Edit the helm-values/supert-custom-values.yaml file and update

By default superset is exposed using node port ( default port 30808 ). Use http://nodeport:30808 for accessing superset over insecure http

  • If superset is required to be accessible over internet using FQDN using https

    • Add TLS Certificates in ef-binamespace by following any of the below methods

    • enable ingress to true in helm-values/superset-custom-values.yaml . By default ingress nginx is supported, however for other ingress controllers change the ingress → annotations

Superset for reporting requires a dedicated FQDN ( separate sub-domain from EF-CX ) when using ingress. Please setup accordingly.

Deploy the superset

helm upgrade --install --namespace ef-bi --create-namespace --values helm-values/superset-custom-values.yaml superset expertflow/superset

wait for the deployments to complete. the superset shall be available via either nodeport 30808 or https://FQDN/ depending upon the configuration made in values file.

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