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Upgrading Permissions On KeyCloak

4.7 authz file includes new permission set for CX Teams. This file doesn't contain permissions for Campaigns and Surveys, they should be imported separately. Make sure to import this file before running the CX Teams migration script.

The following steps are to be executed to update the permissions on an existing solution.

  1. Navigate to https://<FQDN>/auth.
  2. After Login, select to Expertflow realm.
  3. Go to the Clients section and select cim client.

  4. Now, click on Resources tab to see all the existing Permission Resources.

  5. Start deleting the resources manually, this will automatically delete all the linked Permissions as well.

  6. Once Resources are deleted, go to the Scopes tab and delete all the existing Scopes.

  7. Similarly, go to the Policies tab and delete all the existing Policies manually.

  8. Once all the old Resources, Scopes, Policies, and Permissions are deleted, we are now ready to import new Permissions/Policies containing AgentDesk Permissions. Download the AgentDesk Permissions file from 4.7-authz-config.json.
  9. Go to the Settings tab inside the Authorization menu, click on the import button, and select the file containing AgentDesk Permissions given above:

  10. Once AgentDesk Permissions are imported, we can go to Scopes to confirm whether all the new Permissions/Policies are imported or not. Similarly, we can go to Evaluate tab to test the new set of permissions with existing users.

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