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Using Managed PostgreSQL

If you already have PostgreSQL in your local environment that Expertflow CX components can use, follow this guide to make the necessary configurations.

These steps require PostgreSQL server’s administrative access. A utility psql cane be used to login to the PostgreSQL server. Another utility pgadmin is available for web based administration of the PostgreSQL.

Create User and Password

Add the following username and password to your existing PostgreSQL






Randomized string

Create the Keycloak Database

Create databases with the name of keycloak_db and licenseManager

Add the Database Schema

Import the pre-deployment/licensemanager/licensemanager.sql in managed PostgreSQL database into the licenseManagerdatabase.

Update the Expertflow CX environment

Update the password interpolations using this table Helm-based Deployment for Expertflow CX | Custom-Password-Interpolation

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