Helm-based Deployment for Expertflow CX
Helm is a templating engine for Kubernetes to minimize the effort of customizing and updating several kubernetes manifests using helm charts. Additionally, the helm charts provide templating which make it easy to interpolate deployment variables, upgrade, downgrade release using simpler and convenient steps.
More information on helm can be found at Official Helm Website.
The following table describes the prerequisites for using Helm for deployment.
Item | Description | When changed |
Kubernetes Setup | a standard and compatible release of kubernetes is available | A clean installed Kubernetes Engine . This can be performed using guide RKE2 Control plane Deployment |
FQDN | A valid FQDN is required to deploy the solution for example “devops.ef.com” | by default there is no FQDN associated, and the helm chart(s) will exit with failure if the default value is used. |
External Components | All external components have their own helm charts available. | if you are using externally managed components like mongo, minio, redis and postgresql, relevant values should be updated in the helm chart values. details are provided below. |
TLS/SSL certificate | It is mandatory to have a valid SSL certificate already create in both expertflow and ef-external namespaces. Default Ingress certificate name is “ | It is by default required and must be created before the actual helm chart deployment . |
Custom configurations | All components requiring custom changes should be updated in their respective values file | Mandatory, and upgrade of the helm chart is required when updated. |
ingress controller | by default both resident and ef-cx helm charts are using nginx as ingress controller | if using other ingress controller for example nginx or traefik, update all the relevant tags and annotations to reflect appropriate values. details |
EF CX Helm Chart
Global Chart Details
In addition to sub-chart details, below given are the details for this meta chart. Any key: value pair present in this file supersedes the values file in sub-chart's values file.
Section | Item | Details | default |
global | ingressRouter | FQDN used for the EF-CX Solution | “devops.ef.com” |
imageRegistry | default container registry to pull images from | "gitimages.expertflow.com" | |
ingressCertName | default ingress certificate secret name. must be created before install | "ef-ingress-tls-secret" | |
ingressClassName | ingress class name | “nginx” | |
commonIngressAnnotations | common annotations for all ingress resources | ““ | |
efCommonVars_IS_WRAP_UP_ENABLED | Common Environment Variable | true | |
efCommonVars_WRAPUP_TIME | Common Environment Variable | "60" | |
efCommonVars_DEFAULT_ROOM_NAME | Common Environment Variable | CC | |
efCommonVars_DEFAULT_ROOM_LABEL | Common Environment Variable | CC | |
efCommonVars_DEFAULT_ROOM_DESCRIPTION | Common Environment Variable | Contact Center Room | |
efCommonVars_CONVERSATION_SEARCH_WINDOW_HRS | Common Environment Variable | "24" | |
efCommonVars_TZ | Common Environment Variable | UTC | |
efCommonVars_MASK_ATTRIBUTES_PATH | Common Environment Variable | /sensitive.js | |
efCommonVars_LOGGING_CONFIG | Common Environment Variable | /logback/logback-spring.xml | |
efCommonVars_ROOM_IS_USER_ID | Common Environment Variable | false | |
clusterDomain |
| root domain for the cluster DNS | “cluster.local” |
imageCredentials | registry | container image registry, must be same as global.imageRegistry | |
username | username for the registry | efcx | |
password | password for the user of the registry | RecRpsuH34yqp56YRFUb | |
email address for the registry config | |||
efConnectionVars |
| Contains list of all the sub-charts related connection parameters | list of parameters. |
sub-chart |
enabled | enable of disable a sub-chart deployment. true | false | true |
Image Pull Secret is created at runtime based on these variables, a valid dockerconfig in JSON format is created at runtime and added to the kubernetes engine as secret with the name of ef-gitlab-secret
All sub-charts are named after the component name for which it is developed and its values are evaluated from meta chart’s values.yaml file
Sub-Chart Details
All sub-charts have below given details available. Click Expander to view.
Add helm repository
helm repo add expertflow https://expertflow.github.io/charts/
update helm repo
helm repo update expertflow
Helm chart functional groups
CX helm charts are divided into functional groups.
Group | Description | Dependency |
CX | serves the basic and core functionality of the CX Solution. | External Components |
Web Channels | Provides CX enhancements for digital Channels | CX |
AgentDesk | Provides separate deployment for customers where AgentDesk is optional | CX |
Survey | Functional group provides Surveying Collaborations | CX |
Campaigns | Functional group provides Campaigns Collaborations. | CX |
Reporting | Reporting related to the CX | CX |
Eleveo | Eleveo functional group | CX |
CiscoScheduler | Cisco functional group | CX |
Prepare for CX Deployment
Step 1: Clone the Expertflow CX repository
git clone -b CX-4.7 https://efcx:RecRpsuH34yqp56YRFUb@gitlab.expertflow.com/cim/cim-solution.git CX-4.7
cd CX-4.7/kubernetes
Step 2: Create Namespaces
Create a namespace
for all Expertflow components
Run the following command on the control-plane node.
kubectl create namespace expertflow
Create a namespace ef-external
for all the external elements of the Expertflow CX solution such as Mongo, Redis, MinIO, etc.
Run the following command on the control-plane node.
kubectl create namespace ef-external
Ingress Controller Selection
Default ingressClass is set to “nginx” in all helm charts' global section. if you prefer to use other ingress controller, please update the ingressClassName to appropriate value.
All helm charts served at expertflow helm repository ( CX groups/components and external components ) by default are compatible with ingress-nginx ingress controller using ingress-nginx annotations. Should there be requirement for any other ingress controller like traefik, HA-Proxy or contour etc, please adjust the annotations for all components accordingly. A coordinated guide for using Traefik as Ingress Controller is available for CX solution’s compatibility at Using Traefik as Ingress Controller
Add TLS Certificates
For Self Signed please use this guide Create self-signed certificates for ingress in both
namespacesFor Commercial Certificates, please import them as
and create secret with the name ofef-ingress-tls-secret
in bothef-external
namespacesFor LetsEncrypt based TLS Certificates please consult LetsEncrypt SSL for EF-CX
When using LE based TLS Certificates, you will have to enable correct annotations in all the relevant values file. For example, for CX, after downloading the <COMPONENT>-custom-values.yaml
file, you can run
sed -i -e 's/#cert-manager.io\/cluster-issuer: /cert-manager.io\/cluster-issuer: /g' <COMPONENT>-custom-values.yaml
to enable it.
This procedure is required for both externals and all CX group charts being deployed.
Step 3: Apply Image Pull secret
Run the following commands for applying ImagePullSecrets of Expertflow CX images.
kubectl apply -f pre-deployment/registryCredits/ef-imagePullSecret-ef-external.yaml
Create a directory to hold values files for all the helm charts.
mkdir helm-values
Custom Password Interpolations
Below are the interpolations when using custom or not-default password for mongodb, minio, redis, postgresql and activeMQ
Component with custom password | update required in |
MongoDB |
PostgreSQL |
minio |
Redis |
keycloak | N/A |
activeMQ | N/A |
Setup SQL Database
Expertflow CX requires any of the following PostgreSQL for Expertflow CX deployment for storing configuration data.
If you are deploying external components with provided TLS certificates, you must run the following command before deployment:-
kubectl apply -f pre-deployment/static-tls
| If you do not have PostgreSQL in your environment, create Config-Map of PostgreSQL to create necessary databases and preload it with bootstrap configurations.
download the values.yaml file locally to customize the parameter values.
Update the following values file
Deploy the postgresql
For managed Postgresql, see Using Managed PostgreSQL for configuring PostgreSQL for Expertflow CX. |
Deploy CX External Components
Expertflow CX requires the following 3rd party components.
Redis | Key-Values based Caching engine, used by most of the EF-CX components. |
MongoDB | NoSQL Database, maintains and serves as primary back store for EF-CX solution. |
Minio | S3 compliant object storage. |
KeyCloak | Realm based auth management tool. |
You may use them from your existing environment or from a cloud provider .
Setup KeyCloak
Before proceeding with the keycloak deployment, please update the backend database connection string parameters ( when using non-default passwords )
clone the values file and update the parameter values
helm show values expertflow/keycloak > helm-values/ef-keycloak-custom-values.yaml
edit helm-values/ef-keycloak-custom-values.yaml
and update the password for postgresql database
ingressRouter: <DEFAULT-FQDN>
password: "Expertflow123"
Default keycloak deployment uses postgresql running inside the same kubernetes cluster. When using managed postgresql database instance, update above parameters with relevant information
Keycloak Deployment
Keycloak is used as the centralized authentication and authorization component for Expertflow CX. Follow these steps to setup KeyCloak.
Now, deploy KeyCloak by running the following command
helm upgrade --install=true --debug --namespace=ef-external --values=helm-values/ef-keycloak-custom-values.yaml keycloak expertflow/keycloak
Check the KeyCloak installation status. You can check the status of deployment by using the following command:
kubectl -n ef-external rollout status sts keycloak
Setup MongoDB
Expertflow CX using MongoDB for storing all CX events, activities, and some configuration data as well.
Skip this step if you already have MongoDB in your environment that can be used by Expertflow CX. For using MongoDB from a managed environment, see Using Managed MongoDB for necessary configurations.
Clone the values file to update the parameter values
helm show values expertflow/mongodb > helm-values/ef-mongodb-custom-values.yaml
Update the following values file helm-values/ef-mongodb-custom-values.yaml
as mentioned below
rootPassword: "Expertflow123"
Deploy MongoDB by running the following command.
helm upgrade --install=true --namespace=ef-external --values=helm-values/ef-mongodb-custom-values.yaml mongo expertflow/mongodb
Check the MongoDB deployment status by running the following command:
kubectl -n ef-external rollout status sts mongo-mongodb
Setup MinIO as S3 Storage
Expertflow CX using MinIO for storing files exchanged between agents, customers, and/or bots. Install using Helm using following command:
Clone the values file for updating the parameter values
helm show values expertflow/minio > helm-values/ef-minio-custom-values.yaml
update the minio helm chart helm-values/ef-minio-custom-values.yaml
files with the required ACCESSKEY and PASSKEY values
rootUser: minioadmin
rootPassword: "minioadmin"
Deploy the minio helm chart
helm upgrade --install=true --namespace=ef-external --values=helm-values/ef-minio-custom-values.yaml minio expertflow/minio
Wait for the minio deployment to get ready
kubectl -n ef-external rollout status deployment minio --timeout=5m
Digital Channel Icons Bootstrapping
proceed with icons bootstrapping.
kubectl apply -f scripts/minio-helper.yaml
kubectl -n ef-external --timeout=90s wait --for=condition=ready pod minio-helper
kubectl -n ef-external cp post-deployment/data/minio/bucket/default minio-helper:/tmp/
kubectl -n ef-external cp scripts/icon-helper.sh minio-helper:/tmp/
kubectl -n ef-external exec -it minio-helper -- /bin/sh /tmp/icon-helper.sh
kubectl delete -f scripts/minio-helper.yaml
Setup Redis
CX uses Redis for storing active system state of most of the CX objects.
Clone the values file to update the parameter values
helm show values expertflow/redis > helm-values/ef-redis-custom-values.yaml
Update the following values helm-values/ef-redis-custom-values.yaml
as mentioned below:-
password: "Expertflow123" # Change this to match the requirements
Run the following command to deploy Redis.
helm upgrade --install=true --namespace=ef-external --values=helm-values/ef-redis-custom-values.yaml redis expertflow/redis
Setup ActiveMQ
clone the values file to update the parameters required
helm show values expertflow/activemq > helm-values/ef-activemq-custom-values.yaml
helm upgrade --install=true --namespace=ef-external --values=helm-values/ef-activemq-custom-values.yaml activemq expertflow/activemq
Transfer the Mongo and Redis Certificates from ef-external namespace
kubectl get secret mongo-mongodb-ca -n ef-external -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: ef-external/namespace: expertflow/' | kubectl create -f -
kubectl get secret redis-crt -n ef-external -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: ef-external/namespace: expertflow/' | kubectl create -f -
kubectl get secret ef-postgresql-crt -n ef-external -o yaml | sed 's/namespace: ef-external/namespace: expertflow/' | kubectl create -f -
Apply Conversation Controller ConfigMaps
kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-conversation-controller-actions-cm --from-file=pre-deployment/conversation-Controller/actions
kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-conversation-controller-actions-utils-cm --from-file=pre-deployment/conversation-Controller/utils
kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-conversation-controller-actions-pycache-cm --from-file=pre-deployment/conversation-Controller/__pycache__
Apply ConfigMap to enable log masking for all components in expertflow
kubectl apply -f pre-deployment/logback/
kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-logback-cm --from-file=pre-deployment/logback/logback-spring.xml
Customize the deployment by fetching the helm chart’s values file and edit it as per requirements.
helm show values expertflow/cx > helm-values/ef-cx-custom-values.yaml
Edit/update the values file helm-values/ef-cx-custom-values.yaml
ingressRouter: <DEFAULT-FQDN>
Deploy the CX Core using default values.
helm upgrade --install --namespace expertflow --create-namespace ef-cx --debug --values helm-values/ef-cx-custom-values.yaml expertflow/cx
“ef-cx” in above command is the release name which will referenced in all subsequent functional groups' deployments.
check the status of CX components
kubectl -n expertflow get pods
CX AgentDesk
Setup default translation file for Agent Desk
kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-app-translations-cm --from-file=pre-deployment/app-translations/unified-agent/i18n
Setup default canned messages translations file for Agent Desk
kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-canned-messages-cm --from-file=pre-deployment/app-translations/unified-agent/canned-messages
Apply CRM ConfigMap for Agent Desk ( Option, only when Agent-Desk embedding in CRM is required )
kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-crm-service-cm --from-file=pre-deployment/crm-service/
Update the FQDN of the machine against url
field in file post-deployment/config/grafana/supervisor-dashboards/datasource.yml
Apply the data-source manifest.
kubectl -n expertflow create secret generic ef-grafana-datasource-secret --from-file=post-deployment/config/grafana/supervisor-dashboards/datasource.yml
Create the Dashboard configs for Grafana by applying the config-map manifest.
kubectl -n expertflow create cm ef-grafana-dashboard-provider-cm --from-file=post-deployment/config/grafana/supervisor-dashboards/dashboard.yml
For MySQL Server
Apply config-map for the MySQL supervisor and agent dashboard files using the steps below.
kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-grafana-supervisor-dashboard-mysql --from-file=post-deployment/config/grafana/supervisor-dashboards/Supervisor_Dashboard_CIM-mysql.json
Add Agent Dashboard for MySQL
kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-grafana-agent-dashboard-mysql --from-file=post-deployment/config/grafana/supervisor-dashboards/Agent_Dashboard_CIM-mysql.json
For MSSQL Server
Apply config-map for the MSSQL supervisor dashboard files
kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-grafana-supervisor-dashboard-mssql --from-file=post-deployment/config/grafana/supervisor-dashboards/Supervisor_Dashboard_CIM-mssql.json
Add config-map for agent dashboard MSSQL
kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-grafana-agent-dashboard-mssql --from-file=post-deployment/config/grafana/supervisor-dashboards/Agent_Dashboard_CIM-mssql.json
change these tags in helm-values/cx-agent-desk-custom-values.yaml
for MSSQL Server Only in global section at the top of the file. ( downloaded in next step)
efGrafanaSupervisorDashboardConfigMap: "ef-grafana-supervisor-dashboard-mssql"
efGrafanaSupervisorDashboardFilename: "Supervisor_Dashboard_CIM-mssql.json"
efGrafanaAgentDashboardConfigMap: "ef-grafana-agent-dashboard-mssql"
efGrafanaAgentDashboardFilename: "Agent_Dashboard_CIM-mssql.json"
Customize the deployment by fetching the values.yaml file and edit it as per requirements.
helm show values expertflow/agent-desk > helm-values/cx-agent-desk-custom-values.yaml
Edit/update the values file helm-values/cx-agent-desk-custom-values.yaml
ingressRouter: <DEFAULT-FQDN>
Install the AgentDesk using helm chart
helm upgrade --install --namespace expertflow --set global.efCxReleaseName="ef-cx" cx-agent-desk --debug --values helm-values/cx-agent-desk-custom-values.yaml expertflow/agent-desk
CX Channels
Customize the deployment by fetching the values.yaml file and edit it as per requirements.
helm show values expertflow/channels > helm-values/cx-channels-custom-values.yaml
Edit/update the values file helm-values/cx-channels-custom-values.yaml
ingressRouter: <DEFAULT-FQDN>
Deploy the Channels helm chart by
helm upgrade --install --namespace expertflow --set global.efCxReleaseName="ef-cx" --debug cx-channels --values helm-values/cx-channels-custom-values.yaml expertflow/channels
CX Surveys
Customize the deployment by fetching the values.yaml file and edit it as per requirements.
helm show values expertflow/surveys > helm-values/cx-surveys-custom-values.yaml
Edit/update the values file helm-values/cx-surveys-custom-values.yaml
ingressRouter: <DEFAULT-FQDN>
Deploy the CX Surveys helm chart by
helm upgrade --install --namespace expertflow --set global.efCxReleaseName="ef-cx" cx-surveys --debug --values helm-values/cx-surveys-custom-values.yaml expertflow/surveys
CX Campaigns
Customize the deployment by fetching the values.yaml file and edit it as per requirements.
helm show values expertflow/campaigns > helm-values/cx-campaigns-custom-values.yaml
Edit/update the values file helm-values/cx-campaigns-custom-values.yaml
ingressRouter: <DEFAULT-FQDN>
Deploy the CX Surveys helm chart by
helm upgrade --install --namespace expertflow --set global.efCxReleaseName="ef-cx" cx-campaigns --debug --values helm-values/cx-campaigns-custom-values.yaml expertflow/campaigns
CX Reporting
Configure TLS connection for MySQL
Get the MySQL key-store (.jsk)
& certificate(.cert)
files from customer. The .jsk
file is required for configuration of the reporting connector, whereas the .cert
file is required for Apache Superset SSL configuration. Skeleton Project (cim-solution) already contains the default .jks files in the keystore directory. Replace the mykeystore.jks
file acquired from the customer in cim-solution/kubernetes/pre-deployment/reportingConnector/keystore/
Create keystore.jks
used for MySQL TLS
kubectl create configmap -n expertflow ef-reporting-connector-keystore-cm --from-file=pre-deployment/reportingConnector/keystore/mykeystore.jks
Open the pre-deployment/reportingConnector/reporting-connector.conf
and set the mysql_dbms_additional_params
value as shown below.
# Replace the {KEYSTORE_PASSWORD} with your original keystore password. Use "changeit" in case of default password.
Reporting Connector Config-Map Setup
Create the the database in target Database Management System using the scripts from cim-solution/kubernetes/pre-deployment/reportingConnector/SQLScripts/dbcreation
Update below parameters in the file pre-deployment/reportingConnector/reporting-connector.conf
Parameter | Requirement |
fqdn | FQDN of the CX Solution |
svc_name | k get svc -n expertflow | grep historical http://ef-cx-historical-reports-svc.expertflow.svc:8081 |
browser_language | en or ar |
connection_type | mysql or mssql |
sql_dbms_server_ip | <IP> |
sql_dbms_port | for mysql 3306 / for msql 1433 |
sql_dbms_username | <username> |
sql_dbms_password | <password> |
sql_database_name | <database name> |
Apply configuration for Reporting-Connector
kubectl -n expertflow create configmap ef-reporting-connector-conf-cm --from-file=pre-deployment/reportingConnector/reporting-connector.conf
Customize the deployment by fetching the values.yaml
file and edit it as per requirements.
helm show values expertflow/reporting > helm-values/cx-reporting-scheduler-custom-values.yaml
and deploy the Reporting Scheduler
helm upgrade --install --namespace expertflow --set global.efCxReleaseName="ef-cx" cx-reporting --debug --values helm-values/cx-reporting-scheduler-custom-values.yaml expertflow/reporting
CX Eleveo
Customize the deployment by fetching the values.yaml file and edit it as per requirements.
helm show values expertflow/eleveo > helm-values/ef-cx-eleveo-custom-values.yaml
Edit/update the values file helm-values/cx-eleveo-custom-values.yaml
ingressRouter: <DEFAULT-FQDN>
deploy the eleveo
helm upgrade --install --namespace expertflow --set global.efCxReleaseName="ef-cx" cx-eleveo --debug --values helm-values/ef-cx-eleveo-custom-values.yaml expertflow/eleveo
CX CiscoScheduler
Customize the deployment by fetching the values.yaml file and edit it as per requirements.
helm show values expertflow/cisco-scheduler > helm-values/cx-cisco-scheduler-custom-values.yaml
Edit/update the values file helm-values/cx-cisco-scheduler-custom-values.yaml
ingressRouter: <DEFAULT-FQDN>
Deploy the CiscoScheduler
helm upgrade --install --namespace expertflow --set global.efCxReleaseName="ef-cx" cx-ciscoscheduler --debug --values helm-values/cx-cisco-scheduler-custom-values.yaml expertflow/cisco-scheduler
Expertflow ETL
For Expertflow ETL deployment please refer to Expertflow ETL Deployment
Rasa-X deployment
Please refer to RASA-X Deployment using helm chart for deployment of Rasa-x AI Assistant.
Import default keyCloak realm for essential KeyCloak resources, permissions, and authentication configurations.
If you intend to use Apache Superset for reporting, Deployment of Superset and Configure and import historical report templates to configure the Reporting solution.
For customer channel configuration, see customer channels.
For CX-Voice component deployment this guide.
For survey Keycloak Configuration Guide
For campaign Keycloak Configuration Guide