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Release Notes

Target release3.0.3
Target release date






Document status


Document ownerHaseeb Tahir
Developers@a user 
QAHaseeb Tahir

On This Page

New in this Release


New Window Auto Login

To auto-login to the new tab of the same browser. If a value is true, it will auto-login to a new tab otherwise it will not allow to do so.

This will work everywhere except in MS Dynamics CRM on-premise version when SSO is true. (Tab Refresh funtionality will not be available with this feature)

Change Tab Icon

To change the icon of the browser tab where it is currently login after logout it will change the icon to normal.

This will not work in Ms Dynamics Online (CIF).

State Drop-down

To block the agent states drop-down list on the CTI interface and by default its value must be false.


This feature is not tested in MS Dynamics online (CIF), however, tested in Standalone JS CTI by creating a post message environment. 

Release Limitations

  • Do not login to the same agent on different browsers or different machines.
  • For this release, the Finesse Admin Password (You'll first need to encrypt the password and then use the encrypted string here as adminPassword)
  • It is mandatory to have at least 1 custom reason code for Not Ready and 1 custom reason code for Logout.
  • Agent extension max length is 6 digits on the Login page.
  • In the case of a Consult call, On Agent B, the System will do the screen pop based on customer ANI. 
  • If the user refreshes the browser at any time while logging on to CTI Connector, Once the browser, comes back after refresh it will reconnect and resume the current state of the call. 
  • VPN connection/WebEx/TeamViewer is required to connect to the customer’s environment.
  • Remote access via RDP or similar is required to do installation and configuration of EF Server.
  • Administrative access to server machines is required to install EF Connector.
  • Admin access to Dynamics CRM is required to deploy CRM side configurations.
  • Leads entity can be found/accessed at sales-related apps.
  • For Online CRM, In the Contacts /Lead entity, we search for both the 'Phone'  and 'Business Phone' fields, and in the Accounts entity, we search in the 'Phone' field.
  • In ONLINE MS CRM config all entities must be lower-case in the entities priority field. Like entities: "lead,contact,account" but for On-prem must be used Uper-case with the first letter.

  • For Click to dial OB call Agent must be in Not Ready state.
  • Currently, for the Microsoft UCI Deployment, Click To Call will not work. It is a limitation of the system 
  • Selected Wrap-up and call notes will be saved in the Description box in call activity for MS CRM
  • Call duration will not be visible in call activity.
  • Can't consult on a consult call (when a consult call is already in progress)
  • The call notes field will not be available on agent A during the consult call
  • The supervisor can only drop an agent from the Brage in call. He cannot drop a CTI Route Point, IVR Port, or a caller.
  • "disableEndCallBtn" configuration will always remain "false" for the CTI toolbar.
  • In the HA process, it will take at least 3-4 minutes to connect CTI with the secondary server.
  • It is mandatory to have a Primary and a Secondary Node/server for HA.
  • The agent state after fail-over becomes Not Ready - Connection failure.
  • The Queue stats feature is only available for CCE/PCCE
  • Queue Stats update time must be 20s and above for HA.
  • Two call activities will be created for Agent A  in MSCRM when direct transfer on Agent B in HA.
  • Other HA-related Limitations are available here.

Open Issues

Authenticate to retrieve your issues

Authenticate to retrieve your issues

Release Tested Highlights

Tested with:

  • UCCE 12.0, UCCX 12.5 & UCCX 12.5 SU3.
  •  Stand-alone CTI toolbar.
  •  Microsoft Dynamics on-premise CRM.
  •  Microsoft Dynamics online CRM (cloud).
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