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Package Deployer Details 39

Please select the package deployer as per your CRM flavor and configuration 


If you only want to use USD for Cisco Voice, Please select the desired package deployer

The agent app may be embedded through any of the supported integration approaches. 


CRM Dynamics 2016 On-premise

CRM 9.0 + CRM 9.1 Online / On-Premise

Classic UILink Link


9.1: Link

9.2:  Link


If you want to use Chat inside the USD, the prereqs for this is the installation of HC, You can follow the HC link  Here 


CRM Dynamics 2016 On-premise

CRM 9.0  Online / On-Premise

Classic UILink Link


9.1: Link

Chat + Voice 

If you wanted to use Chat plus voice both inside the USD, the following is the detail for Package Deployer

Chat +Voice

CRM Dynamics 2016 On-premise

CRM 9.0  Online / On-Premise

Classic UI(error)(error)


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