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PCS UCCE IVR Integration

Note: Please don't run this on the Server where we have active calls, Make sure the server is free and doesn't have any Calls


  1. Environment includes: 

  1. UCCE 11.6 or onwards.
  2. PCS version with REST APIs.
  • PCS Web application should be working with a valid license.
  • Agents and prompts are synced with the PCS app.
  • At least one survey is already created.
  • Download the PCS VXML script from the repo 
  • Download the PCS JAC from here
  • Download all  jar files from here 

Steps  to follow

  1. Extract the PCS VXML application (mentioned in step 5) 
    1. Place the application  Generic_PCS_IVR under this folder on CVP C:\Cisco\CVP\VXMLServer\applications
    2. If the PCS VXML  application is already installed and you wanted to upgrade the application than extracting the application (mentioned in step 5), copy 3 folder, admin, data, and java, and place inside the existing PCS application folder (Note: you can first take the back up of existing PCS application)
    3. Go to the data folder inside the PCS Application, for example, C:\Cisco\CVP\VXMLServer\applications\Generic_PCS_IVR\data\application and open the setting.xml file
    4. In this setting.xml file, you need to change the IP address of your media-server, screenshot is attached
    5. This path should be the same path, which is configured on the PCS Web application to fetch the prompts
  2.  Download the JAC file mentioned in step 6
    1. place the files inside the C:\Cisco\CVP\VXMLServer\common\classes on CVP machine, it looks like something below
    2. After that, we need to change the configuration file, which is available at the following path 
    3. C:\Cisco\CVP\VXMLServer\common\classes\com\ef\apps\pcs\resources open the , and change the PCS IP ,username and password
    4. Note: Provide the HTTP Port not with HTTPS 
  3. Download the json file mentioned in step 7
    1. place the JSON file C:\Cisco\CVP\VXMLServer\common\lib
  4. Till now we have placed all the required files in the appropriate places now we need to update/deploy the application 
  5. If the VXML application is already deployed, you need to go to the vxml application  C:\Cisco\CVP\VXMLServer\applications\Generic_PCS_IVR\admin  and run deployApp.bat file
    1. If VXML application is already deployed and you have only update the 3 files (mentioned in 1.b), than run updateApp.bat file and press y
  6. After that go to C:\Cisco\CVP\VXMLServer\admin, and run the updateCommonClasses.bat file and press Y
  7. After that restart the VXML service 
  8. To make sure everything is up please check the status of all application by running status.bat file from this location C:\Cisco\CVP\VXMLServer\admin

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