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Release Notes

Target release12.3.2
Target release date




Document owner



Release Summary

This is a minor release that includes a bug fix for supporting MCQ-based questions for web surveys.

What's New

Get survey reports based on options defined in MCQs 

Now you can view survey summary reports based on the user-defined options in MCQs. Hence, the summary report can be generated against a survey having MCQ-based questions or a mix of questions including MCQ-based questions.  

However, note that a maximum of 5 options can be given in an MCQ if the rating scale configured on the backend is 1-5, and up to 10 if the rating scale is 0-9.

A maximum of 9 questions can be selected in an MCQ survey.


Minor release 12.3.3

Web survey accepts the Agent id 

Web Survey now accepts the agentId as a parameter for a Customer Feedback form.


Web surveys API accepts callback id 

Web surveys accept callbackId, an API parameter, The type of callback_id is varchar(255).

Minor release 12.3.4

Fixed the minor issue, now PCS can sync all agents with an apostrophe symbol in their names.

Minor release 13.3.4

Resolved agent name mismatched issue for UCCE releases, now the user is able to see the correct agent's name in reports

Voice surveys accept sessionId, updateFeedback API parameter, The value in sessionId will go to the survey_feedback table's session_id column

Open Issues

Issue SummaryJIRA IssuePriorityWorkaround

The summary report is not generated properly for survey questions that contain apostrophe and/or double quotes in the answer options.



  • Use the complete word, e.g. Do not, instead of don't, etc.
  • Do not use double quotes in the answer options
Survey Detail Report, the All-Web service that appears in the Service list of Voice and SMS Channel ignores it, All Web service is for the Web channel



Survey Detail Report Ignore All-Web Service in the Voice and SMS Channel 
Change agent's name in the  CUCM, this will not reflect in the Agent Management tab



Important Notes/Limitations

Summary DescriptionRelated Feature
Gateway settings are present in English onlyGateway settings are not translatedTranslation
The refresh rate to update the real-time data is 15 secondsThe real-time data is automatically refreshed after every 15 secondsSurvey Dashboard
The refresh rate for the historical data is 1 hourThe updated historical stats are available after an hourSurvey Dashboard 
Delete SurveysDo not delete the surveys through PCS used in survey dashboard Survey Dashboard
Response Rate and Completion rate include only non zero values zero values are not included in the average calculation completion rate and response rate  of more than one surveyScorecards Survey Dashboard
Agents must be using Finesse for handling callsWe assume that contact center agents are using the Cisco Finesse desktop for handling calls. If some other interface than Finesse is being used, PCS would not trigger automatically at the end of the call.Triggering Survey
SMS Survey Supported languagesEnglish, German, and French supported for SMS Survey message.SMS Surveys 
SMS Survey Response  The response of the SMS Survey is always in English. Yes, No is visible for Boolean SMS Survey, 1-5 or 0-9 for Rating SMS Survey 0-10 for NPS SMS Survey. SMS Surveys
An SMS survey once created should not be deletedAn SMS survey once created should not be deleted. If deleted, the ID of the survey would be shown in reports.SMS Surveys
Single question per one SMS surveyAn SMS survey can only contain one question per survey.SMS Surveys
The status of an outbound SMS is not tracked by the systemPCS does not keep track of the status of the messages that are sent by the system (i.e. pending, failed, delivered are neither tracked nor reported). However, inbound messages from customers (i.e. survey responses) are mapped with the system messages and available for reporting.SMS Surveys
The first index should have a positive answer in a “Boolean” surveyA boolean question always expects a positive option in the first index for all IVR, SMS and Web surveys.Questions Definition
The first index should always have a negative option in the “Rating” survey questionA rating question always expects an extreme negative option in the first index and the extreme positive option on the last index for all IVR, SMS and Web surveys. For instance, on a rating scale of 1-5, 1 means extremely poor (or dissatisfied) and 5 means extremely good (or satisfied).Questions Definition
10 possible answers to an MCQ type questionA user can define 10 answer options at max in an MCQ type
question. However, the range of an MCQ type question depends on the rating scale been set. If it’s 1-5, the user will only be able to set 5 answer options in an MCQ-based question. If it’s 0-9, the MCQ-based questions will have 10 predefined answers.
While creating survey questions
Questions in a survey cannot be modified once after the survey is created Once created, questions in a survey cannot be changed. Survey List 
Satisfaction levels for rating and boolean surveys Survey satisfaction levels can only be configured for rating and boolean type surveys.Survey List 
SMS on numbers in international number format starting with ‘+’It depends on the client’s SMS gateway; i.e. if the gateway accepts numbers in the following number format +921231234567, the messages on such numbers would be sent.SMS Surveys 
Acceptable phone number lengthA valid number for PCS is considered to be a min of 10 and a max of 15 digits long.
Proactive Survey Running Proactive SMS surveys through PCS is deprecated for CCE. SMS standalone surveys can now be run from ExpertFlow Campaign Manager.Proactive Surveys 
Summary Report of MCQ
PCS does not generate the Summary report for a survey containing only MCQ-based questions. From the survey dropdown, the user will have to choose only “Rating” and
“Boolean” surveys containing questions of these two types only.
Summary Report 
Summary Report for a Web survey containing a MIX of Rating/Boolean/MCQ questionsPCS does not generate the Summary report of MCQ-based questions in a Web survey which is a Mix of Rating, Boolean and MCQ-type questions. So the Summary report for such a survey will only show the summary of “Rating” and
“Boolean” questions.
Summary Report 
NPS Question excluded from the Average ReportThe Survey Average Report (built within PCS) does not cover NPS questions in the survey.Average Report 
No comma allowed in a question nameThere should not be any special character in the name of a question it is accepting alphanumeric characters.Questions
CUIC Detail Report for SMS SurveyIn the CUIC report, only the name of the SMS question can be seen in the report. You can define the same question name as the SMS text to be viewed in the reportCUIC Detail Report 
CUIC Summary Report per Question - RatingSelect one survey at a time from the filter to see the reportCUIC Summary Report per Question - Rating
CUIC Summary Report per Question - BooleanSelect one survey at a time from the filter to see the report CUIC Summary Report per Question - Rating
CUIC NPS Response Volume ReportSelect one survey at a time from the filter to see the report CUIC NPS Response Volume Report 

Compatibility Matrix

OS Compatibility

The following OS software is required on the server:





7.x updated to the latest packages (use Yum update)The application can be deployed in any folder
RedHat EnterpriseRHEL 8.2 and 8.8 (Enterprise)The application can be deployed in any folder

Database Requirements



SQL Server 2014/2016 Standard/ Enterprise

It should already be installed and accessible on a local system or over LAN. To support High Availability, the MS SQL Server must be set up in a failover cluster mode by the customer or partner.

Docker Engine Requirements


Docker CE

Docker CE 18.06.0+

Docker EEIn the case of RHEL Docker EE version 19.03.8
Docker Desktop for WindowsIn the case of Microsoft Windows as the underlying OS

Browser Compatibility





78.0.2 (64-bit)


 83.0.4103.116 (64-bit)

The recommended browser to run the PCS web application. JavaScript must be allowed to run in the browser.

IENot supported

Not tested

Cisco Unified CCX Compatibility

This release works with CCX 11.6 and 12.5

Cisco Unified CCE Compatibility

This release works with CCE 11.5 and 12.6

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