CUCM Configuration Requirements
Required CUCM configurations to capture voice streams for audio recording.
Required CUCM Configurations
The following configurations are required in order to configure CUCM with the Voice Recording solution.
- Create a Recording Profile and associate it with your Recording Destination Address.
- Create your SIP Profile ( Enable PING Option, which helps in troubleshooting)
- Configure your SIP Security Profile
- Incoming Transport Field to “TCP + UDP”
- Outgoing Transport Field to “TCP”
- Enable BIB on all Phones which will be used for recording.
- Link Recording profile with all phones.
- Create your SIP Trunk
- Assign your Recording Server IP and Port “5060”
- Assign SIP Profile you created before.
- Mark “This trunk is connected to recording enable gateway”
You will start receiving SIP Events in your recording server.
Please Disable Firewall or allow 5060 TCP incoming and outgoing rules along with ALL UDP ports for RTP.
Please follow these steps for troubleshooting:
- Verify SIP Trunk Status if it’s down please verify if VRS is UP and listening, Restart VRS FreeSWITCH, and check again.
- Please verify above configuration steps are performed properly.
- Verify Recording Profile is linked with Destination Address ( DN / Route Point )
- Verify SIP Security profile is configured with TCP as an outgoing port.
- Verify BIB is enabled on Phones.