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Add License Key

This guide explains how to install the license key in Hybrid Chat in a Single/HA deployment. 

Trial License key from 1st July till 31st August 2021: NNffwNjZMDllmU0t3fJQuYsPerLrBdlGndgzTNlUA3dJqW8BQpGMRsS4B2F8d/wQ8COaiJeLkqk=


  1. The system is properly installed for simplex or redundant deployment.

Steps to add a license key

  1. Navigate to https://chat-solution-fqdn/umm
  2. Log into UMM with default username (admin) and password (admiN123!).                                                                                                                         
  3. Click on the login button, a new screen will appear that will ask for the license key.                                                                                               

  4. Apply the UMM License, and click on save button.                                                                                                                                          
  5. You will see the license detail if accepted. See the Troubleshooting section if login fails.
  6. Configure application settings and synchronize Finesse agents if you are going to use CC agents. Create standalone agents otherwise and add "Agent" role with agents & "Supervisor" role with supervisors.
  7. Restart primary MRE.
  8. In the case of HA, stop the primary site to apply license key on the secondary site as well. (This is needed only if the UMM is setup with default configurations, i.e., non-redundant MySQL)
    1. Logout from the web page & stop UMM on the primary machine.
    2. Clear browser cache and reload https://virtual-ip-fqdn/umm
    3. Login & apply the UMM License again for secondary instance.
    4. Configure application settings and synchronize Finesse agents if you are going to use CC agents. Create standalone agents otherwise and add "Agent" role with agents & "Supervisor" role with supervisors.
    5. Restart secondary MRE.
    6. Start UMM on the primary machine.

We recommend using the MS-SQL Server database for UMM. If you do not have an MS-SQL Server database, MySQL is already part of the solution. While using MySQL, it is necessary to apply the UMM license in both instances.

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