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Hybrid Chat lab details


Make sure the following prerequisites are met,

  • You have gone through Demo Environment
  • Cisco Anyconnect is connected
  • Firefox is installed on your machine 
  • Cisco IP Communicator is installed on your machine (only if you want to make calls)


Software Access

The detail on how you can access each one of Hybrid Chat components is given below.

ModuleInfo Notes
Agent Gadget in with the agent/supervisor credentials and click "Hybrid Chat" from the left pane
Customer Gadget webchat channel
WhatsApp+14155238886Add this number as a contact and send "join element-silk" as a message to the given contact number. Once done you'll be able to send messages to the agent.

You can send SMS to this number to get chat request at available agent.

Note: Please mention your phone number and region before hand so that we can add it as a verified number in Twilio to make it working

Please follow the Demo Script
Please follow the Demo Script

Agent/Supervisor Credentials:

User idPasswordExtensionTypeNotes
sjeffersC1sco123451080AgentThe extension is already up and running on the server machine
jopetersC1sco123451081AgentThe extension is already up and running on the server machine
rbarrowsC1sco123451082SupervisorThe extension is already up and running on the server machine

Caller Device Number: (Only if you want to make calls)

Device NumberDevice NameTFTPNotes
+19725551083 (Ext 1083)SEP123455432166198.18.133.3Register this device with your Cisco IP communicator on your machine to make calls

DN to make calls on queue:

6019Dial 6019 from +19725551083 (Ext 1083) to make a call on Queue so that the agent can get the call or you can dial the agent's extensions directly.

Demo Script:

Click Here

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