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Migration Procedure

Migration Procedure (3.9.4 to 3.15.0)

The following section describes the migration procedure from HC 3.9.4 to HC 3.15.0.

  1. Turn down HC 3.9.4 completely using the down command for docker-compose, destroying existing containers.
  2. Stop NGINX service and disable auto-restart for it using

    Stop & Disable NGINX Service

    # Stop the service
    systemctl stop nginx.service
    # Disable auto-restart of NGINX service upon host reboot
    systemctl disable nginx.service

    In HC 3.15.0, NGINX is part of the HC Docker containers group and does not need installation.

  3. Upgrade the reporting database using the following procedure:

    The following scripts will throw errors if the HC reporting database does not adhere to SQL naming rules. If your HC database does not adhere to the naming rules, please rename it according to the rules before moving forward with this guide.

    1. Take a backup of the reporting database.
    2. Make sure that no instance of reporting connector is running. These scripts set database mode to the single-user to avoid data inconsistencies. After the script execution is done, the database mode is set back to multi-user for normal operations.
    3. It is recommended to execute these scripts using SQL CMD because it ensures only one connection is made to the database for query execution. However, SSMS can be used to execute these scripts but sometimes it can lead to an issue when a database remains stuck in the single-user mode after a script is executed. If you face this issue, execute this script to set the database to multi-user mode. After the database is set to multi-user mode, execute the script again which originally caused this issue.
    4. Move forward with the following steps only after taking a backup of the reporting database. Execute these scripts exactly in the same order as described below.
    5. Download & edit the upgrade-from-3.9.4.sql script. Set your database name in line # 2 of this script and execute it. If using SSMS, also select the HC 3.9.4 database from the Available Databases dropdown menu (Windows OS shortcut: Ctrl + U).
    6. Download & edit the upgrade-from-3.10.2-to-3.11.sql script. Set your database name in line # 2 of this script and execute it. If using SSMS, also select the HC 3.9.4 database from the Available Databases dropdown menu (Windows OS shortcut: Ctrl + U).
    7. Download and execute the update-from-3.11-to-3.12.1.sql script. Select HC 3.9.4 database before execution of the script in SSMS or SQL CMD.
    8. Download & execute the upgrade-from-3.12.1-to-3.13.0.sql script. This script does not set the database to the single-user mode so it is recommended to execute it via SSMS. Select to HC 3.9.4 database from the Available Databases dropdown menu in SSMS before proceeding. This script does not expect the database name. If you want to execute it via SQL CMD, select HC 3.9.4 database first before proceeding.
    9. Download & edit the upgrade-from-3.13.x-to-3.14.0.sql script. Set your HC FQDN in line # 4 in the script and execute using SSMS or SQL CMD. Select HC 3.9.4 database first before execution of the script in SSMS or SQL CMD.
    10. Download and execute the remove-uq-botname.sql script. Select HC 3.9.4 database first before execution of the script in SSMS or SQL CMD.
    11. The reporting database migration is complete. For the updated schema of this database, refer to the Hybrid Chat Reporting Database Schema. For updated reports, refer to the Reports.
  4. Deploy HC 3.15.0 in a different directory using the Docker-based deployment guide. Use the same reporting database server and name that was being used with HC 3.9.4 when prompted by the install script.
  5. Stop HC 3.15.0 after deployment using the efutils utility. This utility is available from any location in the host OS after HC 3.15.0 deployment. Turn down HC 3.15.0 using

    Turn Down HC 3.15.0

    # try efutils help to get familiar with efutils e.g.
    # efutils help
    # the following command is used to turn the HC 3.15.0 down
    efutils all down
  6. Take backup of 3.9.4 MongoDB. MySQL backup for HC 3.9.4 is not compatible with HC 3.15.0 so you will have to re-sync UMM with Finesse and create Business Calendars.
  7. Migrate the environment variables using the following procedure:
    1. Take a backup of the HC 3.15.0 environment variables

      Take Backup of HC 3.15.0 Env Variables

      mv <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/environment-variables <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/environment-variables.backup
    2. Create an environment variables directory for updated environment variable files in HC 3.15.0 installation

      Make directory for environment variables

      mkdir -p <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/environment-variables
    3. The following script will merge the HC 3.9.4 and HC 3.15.0 environment variables in the following way:
      1. It will read environment variable files one by one from HC 3.9.4 deployment.
      2. Will add these environment variables in a new file with the same name in <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/environment-variables directory.
      3. Will add newly added environment variables from HC 3.15.0 environment variables backup directory and add them in the file created in step ii.
      4. It yields a new file that contains environment variables from HC 3.9.4 with their values and added environment variables with the default values from HC 3.15.0 release
        The usage details are added below

        Merge Environment Variables

        # Usage Guide:                                                                 #
        # 1. Copy this script and either edit it using any text editor or create       #
        #    an sh file & paste the script in it                                       #
        # 2. Edit the value of hc_3_9_4_baseDir variable in this script, enter         #
        #    absolute path to HC 3.9.4 deployment directory, do not put a forward      #
        #    slash at the end of this value.                                           #
        # 3. Edit the value of hc_3_15_0_baseDir variable in this script, enter        #
        #    absolute path to HC 3.15.0 deployment directory, do not put a forward     #
        #    slash at the end of this value.                                           #
        # 4. Copy this script, paste in your shell and execute. If you have created an #
        #    sh file in step # 1, execute that file.                                   #
        # The following script makes an assumption that backup of HC 3.15.0 env vars.  #
        # is located at <hc3.15.0-base-dir>/docker/environment-variables.backup, if    #
        # this is not the case with your deployment, update the following path in this #
        # script:                                                                      #
        # $hc_3_15_0_baseDir/docker/environment-variables.backup/$filename             #
        for file in $hc_3_9_4_baseDir/docker/environment-variables/*; do
                [ -e "$file" ] || continue
                echo "Merging $filename"
                awk -F= '!a[$1]++' $hc_3_9_4_baseDir/docker/environment-variables/$filename $hc_3_15_0_baseDir/docker/environment-variables.backup/$filename > $hc_3_15_0_baseDir/docker/environment-variables/$filename

        The script above merges files but cannot assure environment variables sequence/order in a file. It can lead to leaving some comments in environment variable files out of sequence. So it is recommended to refer to the documentation of environment variable files in  <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/environment-variables.backup directory to review environment variables comments/explanation. The recommended way is to refer to Environment Configurations for env variables details.

        The following table contains environment variables that are needed to be updated manually after executing the merge script. If an env variable value is already the same as the updated value, leave it be.

        ComponentEnv Variables FileEnv VariableStatusRecommendationPrevious ValueUpdated ValueDescription
        1Agent Gadgetagent-gadget-variables.envSERVER_URL



        https://hc-fqdnhttps://hc-fqdn/chatSupervisor dashboard for queue statistics reload time
        2Customer Channel Managerccm-variables.envPUBLISHER_ENABLE



        truefalseThis is only needed when CCM is integrated with CIM. Need to set it to false in this case.
        3Customer Channel Managerccm-variables.envCONSUMER_ENABLE



        falsetrueSet to true when CCM is integrated with HC
        4Customer Channel Managerccm-variables.envAMQ_PRIMARY



        activemq:61617activemq:61617?verifyHostName=falseCCM will not be able to connect to ActiveMQ in the 3.15.0 release if hostname verification is not enabled
        5Customer Channel Managerccm-variables.envAMQ_SECONDARY



        activemq:61617activemq:61617?verifyHostName=falseCCM will not be able to connect to ActiveMQ in 3.150 release if hostname verification is not enabled
        6Chat Server chat-variables.envAMQ_HOST



        This environment variable is deprecated. You may remove it from the Chat Server environment variables file. You should remove it from the file to avoid operational issues.
        7Chat Server chat-variables.envLOG_LEVEL



        debuginfoIt is recommended to set the Chat Server log level to info for better performance.
        8Communication Servercomm-server-variables.envACTIVEMQ



        This environment variable is deprecated. You may remove it from the Communication Server environment variables file. You should remove it from the file to avoid operational issues.
        9Communication Servercomm-server-variables.envGRC_CONSUMER_PRIORITY



        This environment variable is renamed to AMQ_CONSUMER_PRIORITY which is already added to the file after script execution. You should remove it from the file to avoid operational issues.
        10Communication Servercomm-server-variables.envAGENT_LOGS_FILE_SIZE



        10010MBSet size for individual agent log files
        11Communication Servercomm-server-variables.envUMM



        This environment variable is renamed to UMM_PATH which is already added to the file after the script execution. You should remove it from the file to avoid operational issues.
        12Communication Servercomm-server-variables.envKEYSTORE_PATH



        /src/app/client.ks/src/app/ssl/client.ksComm Server Keystore path for AMQ, it will not work without updating this.
        13Communication Servercomm-server-variables.envTRUSTSTORE_PATH



        /src/app/client.ts/src/app/ssl/client.tsComm Server truststore path for AMQ, it will not work without updating this.
        14Communication Servercomm-server-variables.envJKS_KEYSTORE_PATH



        /src/app/keystore.jks/src/app/ssl/keystore.jksComm Server Keystore path which is used to host Comm Server APIs via SSL. Comm Server will not work without updating this.
        15Reporting Connectorcs-reporting-connector-variables.envAMQ_HOSTREMOVE


        This environment variable is deprecated. You may remove it from Reporting Connector environment variables file. You should remove it from the file to avoid operational issues.
        16Customer Gadgetcustomer-gadget-variables.envPHONE_PREFIXREMOVE


        This environment variable is deprecated in 3.15.0 release. You may remove it from the Customer Gadget env variables file
        17Database Connectordatabase-connector-variables.envDBURLREMOVE


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues
        18Database Connectordatabase-connector-variables.envDBUSERREMOVE


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues
        19Database Connectordatabase-connector-variables.envDBPWDREMOVE


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues
        20Database Connectordatabase-connector-variables.envAMQ_HOSTREMOVE


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues
        21Database Connectordatabase-connector-variables.envAMQ_PORTREMOVE


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues
        22Database Connectordatabase-connector-variables.envAMQ_API_URLREMOVE


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues
        23Database Connectordatabase-connector-variables.envSTOMP_TLS_ENABLEDREMOVE


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues
        24Database Connectordatabase-connector-variables.envAMQ_RETRIESREMOVE


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues
        25Database Connectordatabase-connector-variables.envAMQ_DELAYREMOVE


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues


        This is deprecated in this release. You should remove it to avoid operational issues



        UMM will not work if this variable is not removed



        /src/app/client.ks/src/app/ssl/client.ksMRE Keystore path for AMQ, it will not work without updating this.



        /src/app/client.ts/src/app/ssl/client.tsMRE truststore path for AMQ, it will not work without updating this.



        /src/app/keystore.jks/src/app/ssl/keystore.jksMRE Keystore path which is used to host Comm Server APIs via SSL. Comm Server will not work without updating this.
  8. Migrate key stores and trust stores if you have added custom client certificates in your HC deployment

    # take backup of current certificates
    mv <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/certificates <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/certificates.backup
    # copy certificates from HC 3.9.4 deployment
    cp -r <hc-3.9.4-install-dir>/docker/certificates <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/certificates
  9. Migrate your HC public certificate by replacing the localhost.crt and localhost.key files in <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/nginx/certs 
  10. Deploy the updated web-init-widget from the 3.15.0 tag. Update config.json file accordingly.
  11. Restore MongoDB backup.
  12. Start HC 3.15.0.
  13. Login to UMM and sync contact center agents/create standalone agents.
  14. If Communication Server stays in an unhealthy state after the upgrade, execute the following:
    1. Stop Comm Server using efutils
    2. Execute the following script to clear real-time events for Agents

      docker exec -it expertflow_mongo_1 mongo
      use chatsolution
    3. Start Comm Server again
  15. MRE queues in HC 3.9.4 are not compatible with HC 3.15.0, so execute the following steps:
    1. Delete queues from MRE UI
    2. Recreate queues in MRE UI
    3. Restart MRE

Migration Procedure (3.10.2 to 3.15.0)

The following section describes the migration procedure from HC 3.10.2 to HC 3.15.0.

  1. Turn down HC 3.10.2 completely using the down command for docker-compose, destroying existing containers.
  2. Stop NGINX service and disable auto-restart for it using

    Stop & Disable NGINX Service

    # Stop the service
    systemctl stop nginx.service
    # Disable auto-restart of NGINX service upon host reboot
    systemctl disable nginx.service

    In HC 3.15.0, NGINX is part of the HC Docker containers group and does not need installation.

  3. Upgrade the reporting database using the following procedure:

    The following scripts will throw errors if the HC reporting database does not adhere to SQL naming rules. If your HC database does not adhere to the naming rules, please rename it according to the rules before moving forward with this guide.

    1. Take a backup of the reporting database.
    2. Make sure that no instance of reporting connector is running. These scripts set database mode to the single-user to avoid data inconsistencies. After the script execution is done, the database mode is set back to multi-user for normal operations.
    3. It is recommended to execute these scripts using SQL CMD because it ensures only one connection is made to the database for query execution. However, SSMS can be used to execute these scripts but sometimes it can lead to an issue when a database remains stuck in the single-user mode after a script is executed. If you face this issue, execute this script to set the database to multi-user mode. After the database is set to multi-user mode, execute the script again which originally caused this issue.
    4. Move forward with the following steps only after taking a backup of the reporting database. Execute these scripts exactly in the same order as described below.
    5. Download & edit the upgrade-from-3.10.2-to-3.11.sql script. Set your database name in line # 2 of this script and execute it. If using SSMS, also select the HC database from the Available Databases dropdown menu (Windows OS shortcut: Ctrl + U).
    6. Download and execute the update-from-3.11-to-3.12.1.sql script. Select HC 3.10.2 database before execution of the script in SSMS or SQL CMD.
    7. Download & execute the upgrade-from-3.12.1-to-3.13.0.sql script. This script does not set the database to the single-user mode so it is recommended to execute it via SSMS. Select to HC database from the Available Databases dropdown menu in SSMS before proceeding. This script does not expect the database name. If you want to execute it via SQL CMD, select HC 3.10.2 database first before proceeding.
    8. Download & edit the upgrade-from-3.13.x-to-3.14.0.sql script. Set your HC FQDN in line # 4 in the script and execute using SSMS or SQL CMD. Select HC database first before execution of the script in SSMS or SQL CMD.
    9. Download and execute the remove-uq-botname.sql script. Select HC database first before execution of the script in SSMS or SQL CMD.
    10. The reporting database migration is complete. For the updated schema of this database, refer to the Hybrid Chat Reporting Database Schema. For updated reports, refer to the Reports.
  4. Deploy HC 3.15.0 in a different directory using the Docker-based deployment guide. Use the same reporting database server and name that was being used with HC 3.10.2 when prompted by the install script.
  5. Stop HC 3.15.0 after deployment using the efutils utility. This utility is available from any location in the host OS after HC 3.15.0 deployment. Turn down HC 3.15.0 using

    Turn Down HC 3.15.0

    # try efutils help to get familiar with efutils e.g.
    # efutils help
    # the following command is used to turn the HC 3.15.0 down
    efutils all down
  6. Take backup of MongoDB and MySQL of 3.10.2.
  7. Migrate the environment variables using the following procedure:
    1. Take a backup of the HC 3.15.0 environment variables

      Take Backup of HC 3.15.0 Env Variables

      mv <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/environment-variables <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/environment-variables.backup
    2. Create an environment variables directory for updated environment variable files in HC 3.15.0 installation

      Make directory for environment variables

      mkdir -p <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/environment-variables
    3. The following script will merge the HC 3.10.2 and HC 3.15.0 environment variables in the following way:
      1. It will read environment variable files one by one from HC 3.10.2 deployment.
      2. Will add these environment variables in a new file with the same name in <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/environment-variables directory.
      3. Will add newly added environment variables from HC 3.15.0 environment variables backup directory and add them in the file created in step ii.
      4. It yields a new file that contains environment variables from HC 3.10.2 with their values and added environment variables with the default values from HC 3.15.0 release
        The usage details are added below

        Merge Environment Variables

        # Usage Guide:                                                                 #
        # 1. Copy this script and either edit it using any text editor or create       #
        #    an sh file & paste the script in it                                       #
        # 2. Edit the value of hc_3_10_2_baseDir variable in this script, enter         #
        #    absolute path to HC 3.10.2 deployment directory, do not put a forward      #
        #    slash at the end of this value.                                           #
        # 3. Edit the value of hc_3_15_0_baseDir variable in this script, enter        #
        #    absolute path to HC 3.15.0 deployment directory, do not put a forward     #
        #    slash at the end of this value.                                           #
        # 4. Copy this script, paste in your shell and execute. If you have created an #
        #    sh file in step # 1, execute that file.                                   #
        # The following script makes an assumption that backup of HC 3.15.0 env vars.  #
        # is located at <hc3.15.0-base-dir>/docker/environment-variables.backup, if    #
        # this is not the case with your deployment, update the following path in this #
        # script:                                                                      #
        # $hc_3_15_0_baseDir/docker/environment-variables.backup/$filename             #
        for file in $hc_3_10_2_baseDir/docker/environment-variables/*; do
                [ -e "$file" ] || continue
                echo "Merging $filename"
                awk -F= '!a[$1]++' $hc_3_10_2_baseDir/docker/environment-variables/$filename $hc_3_15_0_baseDir/docker/environment-variables.backup/$filename > $hc_3_15_0_baseDir/docker/environment-variables/$filename

        The script above merges files but cannot assure environment variables sequence/order in a file. It can lead to leaving some comments in environment variable files out of sequence. So it is recommended to refer to the documentation of environment variable files in  <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/environment-variables.backup directory to review environment variables comments/explanation. The recommended way is to refer to Environment Configurations for env variables details.

        The following table contains environment variables that are needed to be updated manually after executing the merge script. If an env variable value is already the same as the updated value, leave it be.

        ComponentEnv Variables FileEnv VariableStatusRecommendationPrevious ValueUpdated ValueDescription
        1Agent Gadgetagent-gadget-variables.envSERVER_URL



        https://hc-fqdnhttps://hc-fqdn/chatSupervisor dashboard for queue statistics reload time
        2Customer Channel Managerccm-variables.envPUBLISHER_ENABLE



        truefalseThis is only needed when CCM is integrated with CIM. Need to set it to false in this case.
        3Customer Channel Managerccm-variables.envCONSUMER_ENABLE



        falsetrueSet to true when CCM is integrated with HC
        4Customer Channel Managerccm-variables.envAMQ_PRIMARY



        activemq:61617activemq:61617?verifyHostName=falseCCM will not be able to connect to ActiveMQ in the 3.15.0 release if hostname verification is not enabled
        5Customer Channel Managerccm-variables.envAMQ_SECONDARY



        activemq:61617activemq:61617?verifyHostName=falseCCM will not be able to connect to ActiveMQ in 3.15.0 release if hostname verification is not enabled
        6Chat Server chat-variables.envLOG_LEVEL



        debuginfoIt is recommended to set the Chat Server log level to info for better performance.
        7Communication Servercomm-server-variables.envAGENT_LOGS_FILE_SIZE



        10010MBSet size for individual agent log files
        8Communication Servercomm-server-variables.envKEYSTORE_PATH



        /src/app/client.ks/src/app/ssl/client.ksComm Server Keystore path for AMQ, it will not work without updating this.
        9Communication Servercomm-server-variables.envTRUSTSTORE_PATH



        /src/app/client.ts/src/app/ssl/client.tsComm Server truststore path for AMQ, it will not work without updating this.
        10Communication Servercomm-server-variables.envJKS_KEYSTORE_PATH



        /src/app/keystore.jks/src/app/ssl/keystore.jksComm Server Keystore path which is used to host Comm Server APIs via SSL. Comm Server will not work without updating this.



        UMM will not work if this variable is not removed
  8. Migrate key stores and trust stores if you have added custom client certificates in your HC deployment

    # take backup of current certificates
    mv <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/certificates <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/certificates.backup
    # copy certificates from HC 3.10.2 deployment
    cp -r <hc-3.10.2-install-dir>/docker/certificates <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/certificates
  9. Migrate your HC public certificate by replacing the localhost.crt and localhost.key files in <hc-3.15.0-install-dir>/docker/nginx/certs 
  10. Deploy the updated web-init-widget from the 3.15.0 tag. Update config.json file accordingly.
  11. Start HC 3.15.0.
  12. Restore MongoDB & MySQL backup.
  13. If Communication Server stays in an unhealthy state after the upgrade, execute the following:
    1. Stop Comm Server using efutils
    2. Execute the following script to clear real-time events for Agents

      docker exec -it expertflow_mongo_1 mongo
      use chatsolution
    3. Start Comm Server again
  14. MRE queues in HC 3.10.2 are not compatible with HC 3.15.0, so execute the following steps:
    1. Delete queues from MRE UI
    2. Recreate queues in MRE UI
    3. Restart MRE

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