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Solution Components

Component Architecture

Hybrid Chat Solution Components

Component NameDescriptionProfile name

Customer Channel Manager (CCM) is the component for connecting customer channels such as Facebook and Viber. See Customer Channels for all supported channels and channel capabilities.

The docker-compose file for Customer Channel Manager is located at <install-dir>/sds/docker-compose-ccm.yml and for HA deployment, docker-compose file is located at <install-dir>/sds/docker-compose-ha-ccm.yml. APIs exposed and consumed by Channel Manager are documented on CCM 3.x APIs.

 See Channel Manager for component configurations.


Routing Engine

Media Routing Engine (MRE) queues and routes requests to available agents. This component contains following Docker services:

  1. mre - the core routing engine. Tweak configurations in MRE Environment Variables
  2. mre-microservice - exposes REST API for MRE configurations. These configuration include Attributes, Agent-Attribute association, MRD and Precision Queues. Tweak configurations of this container in MRE-Microservice Environment Variables.
  3. mre-ui - web based admin user interface to configure MRE. See MRE UI environment variables for modifying default environment configurations. 


HC-ServerHybrid-Chat primary components including bot-connector, chat-server, and file-engine.


Database-ConnectorThis component exposes APIs for database access. It also consumes AMQ queues for storing events in the underlying database.


Customer-GadgetIt's the web-chat gadget component. 


Agent-GadgetDeploys an interface for Support Staff's interaction interface


ActiveMQ Active MQ Publisher/subscriber-based Messaging platform used for Hybrid-Chat  components communication and services 


CampaignsCampaigns Management


KnowledgeBaseArticulate Bot for an  automated action/response, assisting the Support Staff


EABCDefines business calendar and holidays


User Management ModuleBasic User Management Module with a web-based interface to do user/group manipulation.


Service-GatewayNginx based Application layer routing, also responsible for failover routing in case of High Availability deployments. This only applies to the application level. 


RasaTo install local rasa bot with rasa x.


MySQLBackend database service for the User Management Module.


Mongoprimary database component for storing and retrieval of Hybrid-Chat-related historical data includes chat histories and other information. 


Load Balancer

HAProxy based Layer4 load-balancer. Primarily runs on a separate node in a High Availability deployment model.


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