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Agent Availability Report

Report SummaryProvides MRD-wise  agent's availability statistics for each agent of the team to take necessary measures to improve the contact center performance.  

Report Columns

Date Shows the date
Agent Name

Shows the name of the agent available

Agent ExtensionShows the extension of the agent
MRD NameShows the name of MRD on which the agent is available. For instance, Chat MRD, Voice MRD
Logged-in Duration

Shows the total logged in duration of the agent that for how long he has been logged in.

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

NOT-Ready Duration

Shows the total duration for which the agent remains in a NOT_READY state on this particular MRD.

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Ready Duration

Shows the total duration for which the agent remains in a READY state on this particular MRD.

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Active Duration

Shows the total duration for which the agent remains in ACTIVE state on this particular MRD.

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Busy Duration

This is the total duration for which the agent remains in a BUSY state on this particular MRD.

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)


Shows the total duration for which the agent remains in a PENDING_NOT_READY state on this particular MRD.

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Total Talk Duration

Shows the total talk duration for which the agent remains in ACTIVE and BUSY state. 

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Availability %

This shows the percentage of time for which the agent remains available/ready to handle requests on a particular MRD. This will be calculated as:

(Total Ready Duration + Total Active Duration / Total Logged-in Duration) * 100

Report Filters

The following report filters are available

  • Date/Time - You can choose the date to filter the data for the specific date
  • Agent - Choose the agent to see MRD-wise statistics of the agent
  • MRD - Choose one MRD/all MRDs
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