ArgoCD installation ( Without HA )
before installing argocd we first need to install to k3s please consult. K3S Single-Node Installation ( Without HA ) v3.19
All argocd components are deployed in a separate namespace inside Kubernetes called 'argocd'. Create the namespace using command.
kubectl create namespace argocd
Install Argocd
To install the argocd
kubectl apply -n argocd -f
Change the service type cluster IP to Node Port.
kubectl -n argocd patch svc argocd-server -p '{"spec": {"type": "NodePort"}}'
To get the port of argocd-server service.
kubectl -n argocd get svc argocd-server -o go-template='{{(index .spec.ports 1).nodePort}}';echo;
please note that the service port is named argocd-server, and we will later use it.
To get the default password use the following command.
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo
To get all the pod's names use the following command
kubectl get po -n argocd
please note the pod`s name that starts with argocd-server{pod-name}. we will use it in the below command to execute the pod.
first, we need to execute the pod in order to change the password.
kubectl exec -it argocd-server{pod-name} -n argocd -- bash
login to argocd cli use the following command
argocd login {IP-OF-THE-Machine}:{Argocd-CD-Service-Port}
use the following command to change the password
argocd account update-password
ArgoCD Web UI
To access the argocd from the browser
username : admin
password: yournewpassword