EFCTL Admin Guide
EFCTL is a general administration utility provisioned automatically when CIM is deployed using 'cim_install.sh' script. The utility is a wrapper script and performs most of the 'docker' and 'docker-compose'-related actions based on the user requirement.
Below is a list of functions provided by the EFCTL utility.
Functions | Details |
login | Performs an interactive session inside a service container |
exec | Performs a direct command execution inside the service container |
cim | Performs UP, DOWN, and RESTART for CIM components only ( excluding external components) |
status | Gives an overview of currently running services. |
stats | Emulates the docker stats command to provide an overview of resource usage for all service containers |
service | Service-related operations like, up, start, stop, kill, restart, rm, rm_up |
profile | Profile-related operations such as, up, down, restart, ps |
logs | Shows logs for the selected service container |
down | Performs down on all deployed profiles |
up | Performs up on all deployed profiles |
images | Displays currently active list of images in the CIM Solution |
pull | Performs the docker image pull operation of all/selected profiles. |
info | Shows a brief summary of the current deployment |
config | currently active configuration of the selected service profile, along with complete details. |
General Enhancements
- efctl is bash compatible only -- this is required for some functions to perform properly
- efctl is restricted to only expertflow components. no other service containers will be managed by the efctl
- efctl is now capable of running these operations directly ( direct mode )
- efctl accepts friendly service names for both direct and indirect mode, however at the backend, the actual service name is still same i-e cim_component_1
- efctl service service_name up|stop|restart|rm|rm_up. For example ` efctl service mongo up`
- efctl profile profile_name up|down|restart|ps. For Example `efctl profile external-mongo up `
- efctl login is now direct mode compatible -- For Example `efctl login mongo`
- efctl exec has been introduced to run a command/s directly on a service container and runs only in direct mode. e-g `efctl exec ccm ps aux` -- will execute `ps aux ` command inside the service container CCM and return the result. Anything after service container name is consider part of command
- service -> rm_up performs an rm and brings the service up
- up/down --> brings up or down for all the CIM+ External
- CIM up/down --> performs up/down for HC/Internal components only.
- external components are given priority in both down and up of efctl all down/up in such a way that when doing up, the external components are brought up before internal components and vice versa for down.