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MYSQL SSL Connection Configuration for Reporting

Report Connector Configuration

Create MYSQL certificate keystore. Please make sure use the mykeystore.jks name for keystore.

  1. Create a new keystore folder on cim-solution/kubernetes/pre-deployment/reportingConnector.
  2. Copy the MYSQL mykeystore.jks file in cim-solution/kubernetes/pre-deployment/reportingConnector/keystore/ directory.
  3. Navigate to cim-solution/kubernetes/ directory and run the following command.

    kubectl create configmap -n expertflow ef-reporting-connector-keystore --from-file=pre-deployment/reportingConnector/keystore mykeystore.jks
  4. Open the cim-solution/kubernetes/pre-deployment/pre-deployment/reportingConnector/ef-reporting-connector-conf.yaml and set the mysql_dbms_additional_params value as shown below.

  5. Replace the cim/Deployment/ef-reporting-connector-deployment.yaml file with ef-reporting-connector-deployment.yaml file.
  6. Run the following commands to update reporting connector deployment.

    # Navigate to cim-solution/kubernetes
    kubectl delete -f pre-deployment/pre-deployment/reportingConnector/ef-reporting-connector-conf.yaml
    kubectl delete -f cim/Deployment/ef-reporting-connector-deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f pre-deployment/pre-deployment/reportingConnector/ef-reporting-connector-conf.yaml
    kubectl apply -f cim/Deployment/ef-reporting-connector-deployment.yaml

Superset Configuration

  1. Open the MYSQL cert file in any text editor and copy it's value as shown in below screenshot.

  2. Login into Superset as admin then go to the Database Connection from the Settings and edit the Database Connection next go to the Advance Tab and paste the copied MySQL certificate text into the Root Certificate and click on Finish.

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