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Queue Stats Today

Report SummaryProvides statistics of a queue for the current day since midnight

Includes tasks offered, handled, transferred, SLA % on a given queue for today. 

The queue-based reports are developed based on Agent Tasks that are created each time a conversation is queued to a queue (and is not based upon conversations).

See Reporting Database Schema -> agent_task to see details of agent tasks.

Report Columns

Following are the report columns:

Fields Description
Queue name

The name of the queue

DateShows the date
Total OfferedTotal offered tasks to the queue since midnight 
DoneThe count of tasks that have the disposition DONE
CancelledThe count of tasks that have  the disposition  CANCELLED (where the customer left in queue or while ringing the chat on agent)
Transferred OutShows the count of tasks transferred out from the queue
RONAShows the count of tasks that are close due to  RONA disposition
No Agent AvailableShows the count of tasks that are closed due to No Agent Available disposition
Agent Logout

Shows the count of tasks that are closed due to 'Agent Logged Out' disposition

Force ClosedShows the count of tasks that are closed due to  FORCE_CLOSED disposition
RerouteShows the count of tasks that are closed due to "REROUTE" disposition
Response TimeoutShows the count of tasks that are closed due to  "RESPONSE_TIMEOUT" disposition
Average Queue Duration 

The average time a task remains in this queue while waiting to be routed to an agent
This is calculated as:

Total Queue Duration/Total Offered 

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00) 

Average Handled Duration 

The average time an agent takes to handle a task of this queue.

Handled duration is equal to:

(task_end_time - task_answered_time) in agent_task table

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00) 

In case if a conversation was joined and handled by multiple agents, the conversation's total handled duration is a sum of the handle durations of all agent tasks (created for each agent who joined the conversation).

The average handled duration is calculated as:

Total Handled Duration/ Total Handled 

This handle time might not be equal to the total conversation duration (since a conversation may remain active with the bot even after the agent left the conversation).

Max Queue Duration

The maximum time a task waited in the queue since midnight. This is calculated as:

(task_reserved_time - task_queue_time)

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Maximum Handled Duration The maximum time duration that it took to handle a task on this queue. 

This is the longest of all tasks handling time. For a single task, it is calculated as:

Max ( task_end_time -  task_answered_time)

Task Answered Time: when the agent answered it

Task End Time: when the task is closed

Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00)

Answered Within SL

A count of all tasks that were answered within Service Level threshold

Answered After SL

A count of all tasks that were answered after the Service Level threshold 

Abandoned Within SL

A count of all tasks that were abandoned within the Service Level threshold

Abandoned After SL

A count of all tasks that were abandoned after the Service Level threshold

Service Level%

Service Level % of the queue.

This is calculated as per the Service Level Type value set in the queue definition on the Unified Admin application. See Administrator Guide to learn more about Service Level configuration.

Based on one of the following values specified in the Service Level Type field, the Service Level is calculated as the following:

  • 1 - Ignore Abandoned Chats - If Service Level Type = 1 THEN (AnsweredWithinSL/(OfferedWithinSL - AbandonedWithin SL)) * 100 
  • 2- Abandoned Chats have Negative Impact -  If Service Level Type = 2 THEN

      (Answered Within SL/OfferedWithinSL) * 100 

  • 3- Abandoned Chats have Positive Impact - If Service Level Type = 3 THEN ((AnsweredWithinSL + AbandWithinSL)/OfferedWithinSL) * 100 

For more details on SLA calculations, see Key Reporting Concepts and SLA Calculations

%Answered within Service Level 

A percentage of all tasks that were answered within the Service Level threshold, as defined in the queue definition in Unified Admin.

This is calculated as:

AnsweredWithinSL/Total Answered 

%Answered after Service Level

A percentage of all tasks that were answered after the Service Level threshold 

AnsweredAfterSL/Total Answered 

%Abandoned within Service Level

A percentage of all tasks that were abandoned within the Service Level threshold

AbandonedWithinSL/Total Abandoned 

%Abandoned after Service Level 

A percentage of all tasks that were abandoned after the Service Level threshold

AbandonedAfterSL/Total Abandoned  

Report Filters

  • Queue - Select the queue(s) for which you want to see the stats for Today 

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Queue Stats Today

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