Recording Component Deployment
The purpose of this document is to provide deployment steps for recording components of Expertflow CX solution.
Step 1: Create Namespace
All Expertflow voice recording components are deployed in a separate namespace inside the kubernetes called 'voice recording'.
Create the namespace using the command.
kubectl create namespace voice-recording
Step 2: Image Pull secret
1. For voice-recording namespace, use the following command:
kubectl apply -f pre-deployment/registryCredits/ef-imagePullSecret-cx-voice-recording.yaml
Step 3: Update the FQDN
Decide the FQDN to be used in your solution and change the <FQDN> in the below-given command to your actual FQDN
sed -i 's/devops[0-9]*<FQDN>/g' cx-voice-recording/Ingresses/nginx/* cx-voice-recording/Ingresses/traefik/*
apply all the configmap in ConfigMaps folder using
kubectl apply -f cx-voice-recording/ConfigMaps/
Create services for all deployment ef voice recording components
kubectl apply -f cx-voice-recording/Services/
Services must be created before Deployments
apply all the Deployment manifests
kubectl apply -f cx-voice-recording/Deployments/
You need to apply the Ingress routes for ?
For K3s-based deployments using Traefik Ingress Controller
Apply the Ingress Routes.
kubectl apply -f cx-voice-recording/Ingresses/traefik/
For RKE2-based Ingresses using Ingress-Nginx Controller
Apply the Ingress Routes.
kubectl apply -f cx-voice-recording/Ingresses/nginx/