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Channel Connector Developer Guide


The purpose of this guide is to provide information to developers on how to develop a channel connector to connect multiple media channels with Expertflow CX for carrying-out customer interactions.

Intended Audience

As a developer, you will develop REST API clients and expose certain webhooks for a channel connector.

Assumptions and Constraints

It should be noted that Expertflow CX is a channel agnostic chat solution which means that Channel Connector Developers can connect using any chat and voice media channels. The integration of channels with the connector is left at the discretion of the developer and not included in this guide.

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Getting Started

Expertflow CX comes out of the box with some channel connectors of some channel types. You can add more channels of certain types following this guide. Before you begin, it'll be good to understand key concept of Expertflow CX.

A Channel Connector communicates with Expertflow CX over REST APIs. The connector must expose a webhook to receive events from Expertflow CX. The connector must call the endpoint cim-messages for the webhook to work properly.  

1CCMCCM stands for Customer Channel Manager. 
2Channel ConnectorAllows media interfacing with CCM (Expertflow CX).
3Customer ChannelsPlease see here for details on media channels.

Next Steps

1.Register Channel Connector

Define a ChannelConnector in Expertflow CX Unified Admin to send and receive customer messages to and from HybridChat.

2. Channel Connector ConfigurationsThe channel connectors needs to update configurations in case of any changes/updates made in Unified Admin console. 
3. Sending messagesThe channel connector needs to call Post /message REST APIs to send messages to CCM. The format of the messages is described in detail in Messages section.
4. Receiving messagesThe connector needs to expose a Webhook to receive messages from CCM. The URL for the webhook will be specified in the Unified Admin Console as explained in Register Channel Connector The format of the messages is described in detail in Messages section.

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