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Agent-Queue Mapping

Each Routing-Queue has a group of agents associated with it concerning one or multiple Criteria also known as Steps. These Steps are compared to the Agents' Routing Attributes to make the association. The request can only be routed to available agents from the group of associated agents in a queue.

Agents are the actual users of a contact center who are eligible to answer customer requests. They use the Agent Desk App to answer customer requests. 

Agents can be synchronised with the client's Active Directory and/or can be created and managed within Keycloak manually. Business admins can view all users of a certain Keycloak Role or a set of roles in the Routing-Engine → Agent menu within the Unified Admin App. They can then assign these users some Routing Attributes for the system to route customer requests to them. Routing attributes are skills that can be assigned to an agent. PUSH mode requests are automatically routed to available Agents with the "right" skills by the Routing-Engine.

Once the admin has assigned some Routing Attributes to an agent in the Unified Admin, the agent can login with its credentials, created via the client's Active directory or KeyCloak, in the Agent Desk. Agent Desk is the agent's dashboard in which an agent receives and handles the customers' requests and other related operations. One of the major operations is to control its state. Agent’s state is divided into two parts. One is the global state which tells if the agent is Available or not. The other is the Media-Routing-Domain (MRD) specific state which tells if an agent is available or busy on one particular MRD. A customer request, on a channel for which an MRD, chat-MRD, is configured, will be routed only to Agents available on the chat-MRD. See all the details related to Agent State Management.

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