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CX Voice Configuration Guide


  • Media Server and Expertflow CX Server Time should be synced.


  • The limitations of the multi-channel are mentioned here.

  • Direct ext-to-ext calls are not supported. 

  • Any private browser window is not supported, as the system is using the browser cache for state maintenance.

System Configurations

  • To update the CTI config variables added in the unified-agent config map, follow this guide.

  • For user extension configuration, follow this guide.

Unified Admin Configurations

CX Voice Queue

  • Create a Routing Attribute called CX Voice with the type of Boolean.

  • Create a CX Voice Queue with the following settings.

  • Once queue is created click on drop-down then click on Add Step and set the following steps

  • Open the Agent Attributes section and assign the CX Voice attribute to your desired agent.


Channel Manager Config

  • The following variables need to be added in the channel provider for the CX_VOICE channel type on the unified-admin

    • The provider webhook is required in this case and is the callback URL exposed by the Voice connector in the format: http://VC-IP:VC-PORT/ccm-msg/receive


  • Add a channel connector for the provider configured above for the CX_VOICE channel type on the unified-admin.


  • Add a channel for CX_VOICE channel type on the unified-admin.

    • Add the desired channel name.

    • Add the configured DN(Dial Number) for the contact center(the same as that set in Media Server for inbound IVR) as a Service identifier for the channel.

    • Select the configured Bot.

    • Select the configured channel connector.

    • Select Channel Mode i.e. HYBRID. (supported by the system as of yet.)

    • Select Agent Selection Policy i.e. LONGEST AVAILABLE (supported by the system as of yet.)

    • Configure the activity timeout.          

    • Set Routing Mode to PUSH

    • Select the queue that is associated with the CX VOICE MRD.

    • Configure the Agent Request TTL.

    • To configure Outbound conversation, enable Default Outbound Channel for the CX Voice channel being used. 

The recommended value for the customer inactivity timeout and Agent Request TTL should be greater than the configured for a call in the contact center if any, otherwise, 1 hour (3600 sec) should be set as a minimum value, after which the session expires in our system.                                                             

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