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Patch Release CX4.5.4

Release Name



Functionality:QA PASSED , Performance: QA FAILED

Dev Completion Date

Release Date

Release Summary

  • Multi-language Support in Conversation Data

  • Media-blending Bugs

  • CX-Voice Bugs

Upgrade Guide

Upgrade Guide from 4.5.3 to 4.5.4

New in CX4.5.4

This release contains a feature improvement and high-priority fixes for reported issues in CX4.5.3



Multi-language Support in Conversation Data

Provides multi-language support in Conversation Data. For details see CIM-2640

Bugs Fixed in this release

Media Blending



Chat MRD is stuck and remains interrupted

The chat MRD remains interrupted after the chat and the call have ended CIM-26025
This fix has made the chat MRD turn to its normal behavior once the conversation ends.

CX Voice



Initiating Call UI stuck on Customer’s decline

If the customer declines the call, the “Initiating Call UI” stucks upon initiating a manual outbound call, and an error message appears on manually ending the call. For details see CIM-26332
This issue has been fixed now. The “Initiating Call” UI disappears automatically in a few seconds and no error message appears on manually ending the call.

Whisper Message Composer is not visible to the Agent

The whisper message composer was only visible to the Supervisor. See the details CIM-15661
This is now fixed and the whisper message composer is visible to the agent and supervisor allowing them to send the message back and forth.

Error Message during Manual Outbound and Consult call intermittently

Queue Consult Call was not working properly, and showing an error message. The call was not placed successfully by keeping the primary agent state busy. See details CIM-15646
This fix has removed the error message and placed Queue Consult successfully to the secondary agent.

Agent Consult Transfer

The consult transfer was not working for manual outbound. See details CIM-15368

With this fix, Agent Consult Transfer is properly working now.

Customer Call remains active upon network reconnects

Upon initiation of the Consult Call, the customer call remains active on VPN/Network restores, but the Consult Call is ended. See the details CIM-16023
This fix ends the call on both sides (the customer and the agent) once the network is restored.

Silent Monitoring & UI



Consult Transfer button visible but non-functional

The consult transfer button was visible but non-functional to the supervisor CIM-15653

This fix has disabled the consult transfer button during silent monitoring.

Silent Monitoring button remains active when a supervisor is part of a conversation

The UI button of Silent Monitoring remains active for the supervisor to silently monitor his active conversation. CCC-976

With this fix, the Silent Monitoring button is disabled and does not allow the supervisor to silently monitor the same conversation, he is part of.

Release Test Highlights

Tested Features

  • Multi-language Support in Conversation Data

Planned Features and Stories

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Planned Bugs

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Issues Opened in this release

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