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CX Routing

Provides a unified media-blending queue for contact centers to allow the business to route voice and non-voice media to human agents/experts in a contact center.

As the system receives a request to route a conversation to a human agent, the Routing Engine looks for an available agent to serve the request. It searches the Routing-Queue (provided in the request) for available agents based on the Agents' current state and the Routing modes.

Each Routing-Queue has a group of agents associated with it concerning one or multiple Criteria which are compared to the Agents' Routing Attributes to make the association. The request can only be routed to available agents from the group of associated agents in a queue.

Routing Modes

Routing mode determines if a request should be pushed to an agent or published to a Subscription List.

There are two modes of routing in CX

  • Precision/PUSH Mode

  • PULL Mode

Let’s have a look into the details of how each one works

Routing Logic


Precision Routing

Enables the business to make a routing decision of assigning requests to the most suitable agent, based on the agent selection criteria defined under the queue configurations.

Routing Attributes

Serves as a Skill assigned to an Agent or a Supervisor. An agent can be assigned an unlimited number of unique Routing-attributes.


Are responsible for hosting new requests (tasks) generated by a customer.

Channel Categories

Is a collection of precision queues associated with a common media class. It organizes requests from each communication medium, such as voice and chat, and manages agent states in each channel category (MRD). This allows agents to manage their states separately on each channel category.

Interruptible and Non-Interruptible MRDs

This configuration allows an administrator to define whether a chat MRD should be interrupted if there is a voice call and vice versa.

Agent-Queue Mapping

Each Routing-Queue has a group of agents associated with it concerning one or multiple Criteria also known as Steps. These Steps are compared to the Agents' Routing Attributes to make the association. The request can only be routed to available agents from the group of associated agents in a queue.

Maximum Task per Agent per Channel Category

Addresses with the capability of the system to manage maximum number of tasks, an agent can handle on each Channel Category (MRD)

Agent SLA

Indicates the time limit in seconds that the agent must respond to a customer’s message received in a certain Queue or List.

Customer Inactivity SLA

Indicates the time limit in seconds that the customer has responded to the agent within the specified duration.

Task Priority

Priority is an attribute assigned to any task to route that task to an agent in an expedited manner. By default, all tasks in the system have a priority of 1 and are served on a FIFO (First In, First Out) basis.

Agent Task/Routing Task

Refers to the task created and assigned to the agent by the system.

Queue Wait Time and Position

This feature allows the customer to see wait time and the position in the queue. 

Queue Flushing API

Acts as an API to clear all queues or a specific queue.

Task and Task States

The Routing Engine creates a new task for a human agent for each new request routed to an agent. When the agent closes the request, the task state is also closed.

Distribution Rules

Addresses with distribution rules of routing such as queues to agent mapping, multi-steps per queue, agent reservation, priority routing, queue priority (In progress)

PULL Mode Routing

Enables small-scale businesses to broadcast customer requests to a List. Agents can pull requests from the List whenever they are convenient to join the conversation.

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