Cisco Voice Channel Limitations
Consult Call legs will not be part of an activity for now.
Any private browser window is not supported, as the system is using the browser cache for state maintenance.
Logging out from the Finesse doesn't log out the agent from CX.
The agent assistance options will be disabled when a Cisco session is active on the Agent Desk. Transfer & conference scenarios can be initiated from Finesse toolbar.
Advanced cases ( direct transfer, consult transfer, etc.) are not supported for a manual outbound call.
A2 Conversation View disappears in Consult Conference Call intermittently when on the A2 side, the conference active event is received first, and then Agent Desk sends CALL_LEG_STARTED for conference. After that A2 receives consult call ending event.
Finesse limitation after failover occurs when domain shifts agent becomes Not Ready during call.
When the call is ended during the Finesse failover, and the system reconnects to Finesse, the Agent Desk gets the call ending event from the CTI with no dialog info as the call is ended already, and to close the conversation, the Agent Desk uses the dialog data stored in cache for the incoming call, so the timestamps of both call starting and call ending become the same which causes the duration to be 0.
After a Finesse failover scenario occurs during a direct transfer on an agent extension and queue, the customer number becomes null in call leg.
It is mandatory to have at least 1 custom reason code for Not Ready and 1 custom reason code for Logout.
Incase when Jabber agents are used for Consult Call, Consult Transfer and Consult Conference behavior is unstable for now.
Activity is not correct in case of Direct Transfer on Queue and Agent Extension for CCX in case of Jabber
Consult, Consult-Transfer, Consult-Conference, and Direct Transfer cases are not supported for UCCE yet due to technical limitations on Cisco/CTI
Cisco Teams Synchronizer:
To Login a Cisco Agent in CX-4.5, this Cisco Sync Cronjob is compulsory to run.
If a cisco team or user is deleted after sync to KEYCLOAK, They still persist in KEYCLOAK as enabled entities. It is necessary to manually delete such teams or users from KEYCLOAK.
Supervisors and Agents won't be assigned to Cisco Team when syncing to KEYCLOAK, they will be assigned to the team on their first login to finesse/agent desk.