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Twitter Connector Limitations

Currently as part of 4.5 release, we have some limitations which will be covered in up comings releases.

  • Twitter only supports social media for now. And the bot responses will not be handled in it. On agent desk, you might see the bot messages as a DM (Direct messaging) message but it will not forward as a comment/social media message.

  • As DM (Direct messaging) is not supported so if you send a message without a “comment reply action button” then it will show on agent desk but not deliver on twitter.

  • In View Full Post, posts which contains media will not show post media but show a link of twitter post page instead. However the media in comments will work and display fine.

  • In comments or view full post, only 1 media will be shown as part of message. However twitter do support multiple media attachment inside a single comment.

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