Agent Not Ready Detail
Report Summary | Displays the details of all the not ready reasons of the agents. |
Report Columns
Following are the report columns
Fields | Description |
Agent Name | The name of the agent. |
Agent ID | The ID of the agent. |
Login Time | Show the time when the agent login. Format year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds (2024-01-01 00:00:00) |
Not Ready Reason | Show the reason why the agent goes in not-ready state. |
State Change Time | Show the time when an agent goes in a not-ready state. Format year-month-day hours:minutes:seconds (2024-01-01 00:00:00) |
Duration | Shows the duration for which the agent remains in a NOT_READY state. Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00) |

Report Filters
The following report filters are available
Date/Time - Choose the date to filter out the data. You may also select the date ranges to see the data falling under the said period
Agent - Select the agent/agents by name whose performance you want to analyze.