Expertflow CX comes with various tabular and graphical historical reports that are available out of the box as part of the release. In the following sections, we'll go deeper into the details of each of those reports.
All reports listed in the document are historical reports. Data in the reports are only updated once a conversation or channel session becomes a part of the history. Usually, this is updated as per the ETL intervals defined during deployment. By default, this is set to 5-minute intervals.
A conversation that is routed to an agent won't be reflected in the historical reports below until closed by the agent from Agent Desk (in case of an external agent application, this happens when the Unsubscribed event is fired to Agent Manager to remove an agent from the conversation)
For all dropdown filters, note that the data is only filtered using one value and not with multiple values. So if more than one value is specified in the filters, the report records having either one of the said values will appear but will exclude the records where both of the specified filter values exist. For instance, if an agent joined several conversations while some of them were also joined by some other agents, the results will display only the records where this agent was the only agent while skipping those where this agent was present along with some other agents.
See Reporting Database Schema for more details on the type of data stored in the reporting database
See Supervisor Guide for more details on Real-time Dashboards
Title | Report Summary |
Queue-wise Stats Summary | Provides the count of requests received per queue such as the number of chats or calls in case of voice offered, DONE, cancelled, transferred etc. to view and analyze the performance of queues. |
IVR Detail Report | Detail IVR journey of the customer for each call |
Conversation Volume by Disposition | Shows a bar chart display of the total number of conversations handled by Agent, Bot and Network |
IVR Summary Report | Summarizes the journey of IVR activities per day |
Agent State Analysis Report | Provides the summary of time duration of agents' state in ready or not ready state and the reason of being in a not ready state. This helps the business to monitor the duration of the agent in each particular state for better visualization. |
Agent Productivity By Queue | Provides the concise summary of an agent's productivity by a queue, and also highlights the total number of tasks assigned to the agent per queue. |
Historical Conversation Summary | Summarises all conversations over a period of time regardless of the channel type and the queue |
Agent Availability Report | Provides MRD-wise agent's availability statistics for each agent of the team to take necessary measures to improve the contact center performance. |
Queue Stats Today | Provides statistics of a queue for the current day since midnight |
Wrap-up Summary | Provides the count of conversations along with associated wrap-up category and reason |
Agent Task Detail | Shows a detail of all conversation tasks handled/answered by the agent on queue including RONA. |
Conversation Detail | Provides the details of a customer conversation including a conversation's direction, queue name, list name, start time, end time, duration, agent's name, customer's name, routing mode of the conversation, transferred count, percentage of agent/bot participation, transcript, and disposition. |
Channel Stats Summary | Summarises all conversations opened for a particular channel during a particular period of time |
Channel Session Detail | Provides the details of each individual channel session in a conversation |
Channel Stats Graph | Shows the percentage of channel sessions closed due to a particular disposition. |
Transferred Tasks per Queue | Shows the count of all tasks transferred out from a specific queue in the form of bar chart. |
Agent Performance Report (For Voice Only) | Shows the agent's key performance indicators to intervals (15 minutes). |
Repeated Caller Report | This report shows customers who have made multiple calls/chats within a specified timeframe. |
Agent Not-Ready Summary | Displays the summary of all the not ready reasons of the agents. |
Multichannel Session Detail | Provides the details of the Multiple channel sessions in a conversation. |
Answered Chats in Time Intervals | Show all conversation tasks handled/answered by the agent on queue in different time intervals segregated by 15 minutes interval. |
Agent Not Ready Detail | Displays the details of all the not ready reasons of the agents. |
Queue Flushed Conversation Count | Displays the count of conversations closed forcefully in each queue by the administrator or supervisor |