Agent Not-Ready Summary
Report Summary | Displays the summary of all the not ready reasons of the agents. |
Report Columns
Following are the report columns
Fields | Description |
Day View | Shows the date in their respective columns. |
Weekly View | Shows the date of Week Start, the date of Week End, and Week Number in their respective columns |
Month View | Shows the year and month in their respective columns |
Agent Name | The name of the agent. |
Agent ID | The ID of the agent. |
Not Ready Reason | Show the reason why the agent goes in a not-ready state. |
Reason Count | Show the count of reasons how many times the agent goes in a particular not-ready state. |
Minimum Time | The minimum time an agent spends in a particular not-ready state. Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00) |
Maximum Time | The maximum time an agent spends in a particular not-ready state. Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00) |
Average Time | The average time an agent spends in a particular not-ready state. Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00) |
Total Time | The total time an agent spent in a particular not-ready state. Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00) |

Report Filters
The following report filters are available
Date/Time - Choose the date to filter out the data. You may also select the date ranges to see the data falling under the said period
Agent - Select the agent/agents by name whose performance you want to analyze.
Week number - this filter allows to filter out the data for particular weeks of the current year. It is only applicable to the Weekly View tab of the report. When specified, the report populates the data of only the specified week numbers in the Weekly view.