Answered Chats in Time Intervals
Report Summary | Show all conversation tasks handled/answered by the agent on queue in different time intervals segregated by 15 minutes interval. |
Report Columns
Following are the report columns
Fields | Description |
Queue | Shows the name of the queue. |
DateTime | Shows the date and time of interval (30 minutes). |
Average Speed of Answer | Shows the average time it takes to answer chats/calls after being reserved within the 30 minutes time interval. SUM (task_alert_duration)/COUNT (agent_task_id) |
Average Abandoned Time | The average time a task remains in this queue before abandoned within the 30 minutes time interval.. This is calculated as:
Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00) |
Interval (60 SEC) | Shows the 60-second interval time in minutes like 01:00 (Always Static). |
Answered 60 SEC | Count of total number of chats/calls answered by agents within a 60-second queue time. |
Abandoned 60 SEC | Count of total number of chats/calls abandoned in the queue within a 60-second queue time. |
Interval (120 SEC) | Shows the 120-second interval time in minutes like 02:00 (Always Static). |
Answered 120 SEC | Count of total number of chats/calls answered by agents within a 120-second queue time. |
Abandoned 120 SEC | Count of total number of chats/calls abandoned in the queue within a 120-second queue time. |
Interval (180 SEC) | Shows the 180-second interval time in minutes like 03:00 (Always Static). |
Answered 180 SEC | Count of total number of chats/calls answered by agents within a 180-second queue time. |
Abandoned 180 SEC | Count of total number of chats/calls abandoned in the queue within a 180-second queue time. |
Interval (240 SEC) | Shows the 240-second interval time in minutes like: 04:00 (Always Static). |
Answered 240 SEC | Count of total number of chats/calls answered by agents within a 240-second queue time. |
Abandoned 240 SEC | Count of total number of chats/calls abandoned in the queue within a 240-second queue time. |
Interval (OVER 240 SEC) | Shows the over 240-second interval time in minutes like: >04:00 (Always Static). |
Answered OVER 240 SEC | Count of total number of chats/calls answered by agents over a 240-second queue time. |
Abandoned OVER 240 SEC | Count of total number of chats/calls abandoned in the queue over a 240-second queue time. |
Total Answered | Count of total number of answered chats/calls in queue within the 30 minutes time interval. |
Total Abandoned | Count of total number of abandoned chats/calls in queue within the 30 minutes time interval. |
MAX Queued | Count of total chats/calls landed in queue within the 30 minutes time interval. |
Longest Queued | The maximum time a chats/calls spend in the queue within the 30 minutes time interval. This will be calculated as max(task_queue_time) Format hours:minutes:seconds (00:00:00) |

Report Filters
The following report filters are available
Date/Time - Choose the date to filter out the data. You may also select the date ranges to see the data falling under the said period
Queues - Select the name/names of the queues you want to see the data for.