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Third Party Activies API

The purpose of this guide is to provide information on how third party applications can connect with Expertflow CX to push activities through the Expertflow CX interface. 

Technical Overview

The activities that can be pushed by 3rd-party applications can be categorized into following types:

  • Stand-alone activities: These are activities independent of a customer conversation. For example, a 3rd party scheduler pushes a scheduled activity for preserving history of actions against a customer in CX Activities.

  • Conversation-based activities: These are activities associated with a Conversation. For example, an agent's outbound activity, a survey activity, etc.

  • Channel-specific activities: These activities are related to a customer's ChannelSession. For example, an activity to push a call recording link in form of URL Message for a call.

  • 3rd-party applications can push activities in the form of CIM Messages.

  • The Sender, Body and any attribute from Customer, Channel Session ID or Conversation ID is mandatory for pushing third-party activities. 

Header Attributes



Pass customer object (only Id) in the header to push a stand-alone activity. It will be a conversation/session less activity.

Conversation ID

Pass ConversationID in the header to push the activity into an ongoing or past conversation.

Channel Session ID

Pass ChannelSessionID in the header to link the activity with a specific channel. The client can also pass the ConversationID. If the ConversationID is not present in the request, the system will find and link the activity with the relevant conversation

  • Upon receiving the request, the API:

    1. Validates the request i.e. if user has passed the valid CIM Messages.

    2. Transform the the activity into THIRD_PARTY_ACTIVITY event. See CX Activities document for events detail.

    3. If the conversation is active, publish the activity on the conversation topic. Otherwise, it pushes the activity to Conversations store.

The following example shows required parameters for pushing a recording link as an activity to CX.

Request Details

Sample Request

    "id": "{{$guid}}",
    "header": {
        "sender": {
            "id": "460df46c-adf9-11ed-afa1-0242ac120002",
            "type": "APP",
            "senderName": "APPName",
            "additionalDetail": null
        "channelData": {
            "channelCustomerIdentifier": "",
            "serviceIdentifier": "",
            "requestPriority": 0,
            "additionalAttributes": []
        "language": {},
        "timestamp": {{$timestamp}},
        "securityInfo": {},
        "stamps": [],
        "entities": {},
        "channelSessionId": "ede4d48306cd47e39b2ec362759c632f",
        "conversationId": null,
        "customer":  null,
        "schedulingMetaData": null,
        "replyToMessageId": null,
        "providerMessageId": null
    "body": {
        "type": "VOICE_RECORDING",
        "markdownText": "",
        "mediaUrl": ""

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