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Hybrid Chat demo script

  1. Login an agent on finesse with provided credential
  2. Click on Hybrid Chat in the left pane (If the gadget is not shown on full-page then hit F5 or refresh the page)
  3. Change the state from Not Ready to Ready on Agent Gadget

    Web Channel:
  4. Access Customer Gadget, fill up the required fields and initiate a chat request with message "Hi"

  5. The bot will answer the question (Bot is trained on limited questions that you should use during the demo) 
  6. To redirect chat to an agent, either send chat message "human" or use any question from training data under section "human -> respond_international_deposit"
  7. For more information, please have a look at user guides

    WhatsApp Channel:
  8. Add +14155238886 as a contact into your WhatsApp contact list
  9. Send join stove-without message to that number
  10. You will be able to send a message and get a reply from the bot or you can redirect your call to an agent as mentioned above 

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