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Knowledgebase Translation

Translations (KB UI)

  1. Download translation files from here.

  2. Open the file and change the translation as required.
  3. Place these files in translations/kb-ui folder. The translations folder must exist in the same folder where docker-compose.yml file is placed.

Add a new language

  1. Copy en.json from kb-ui translations already download and rename it with locale symbol in case you want to add a new language. 
  2. File names should not contain any special characters.
  3. Open the file and change translation as per need and save it. Place this file in translations/kb-ui folder.
  4. Open docker-compose.yml file, 
    1. Navigate to ui service

    2. Add volumes section if not present already.

    3. Add the following line and restart the container. (restart not required if the volume definition already exists)

      ${PWD}/translations/kb-ui: /usr/share/nginx/html/assets/i18n

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