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K3S Single-Node Installation ( Without HA )


The purpose of this document is to describe the additional system requirements and steps to deploy the Single-Node K3s Kubernetes Distribution.

Pre-requisites for Single-Node Installation

The prerequisites and pre-deployment phases are describe in the K3s Pre-Deployment & Installation Guide. Please complete the steps before proceeding with Single-Node Installation.

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Installation Steps

The installation steps are as follows:

Environment Customization Steps

Click here to see customization steps.....

Below given options can also be used for customized environment setup:

Default Deployment Directory of K3s--data-dir value, -d value/var/lib/rancher/k3s or ${HOME}/.rancher/k3s if not rootFolder to hold state
Default POD IP Assignment Range
--cluster-cidr value
""IPv4/IPv6 network CIDRs to use for pod IPs
Default Service IP Assignment Range--service-cidr value""IPv4/IPv6 network CIDRs to use for service IPs
Default local storage path for local provisioner storage class( only if you are using local-provisioner )--default-local-storage-path value/var/lib/rancher/k3s/datadefault local-provisioner data path. suitable only for local-provisioner volumes

If any of the above option is required, add it in the next step.

cluster-cidr and service-cidr are independently evaluated. Decide wisely well before the the cluster deployment. This option is not configurable once the cluster is deployed and workload is running.

Step 1: Download the K3s binaries and start Installation

Step 2: Run the below command on the master node

curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_VERSION=v1.24.7+k3s1 INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--disable=traefik" sh - 

K3s will be installed on the master node.

Step 3: Bash Completion for kubectl

1. Install bash-completion package

yum install bash-completion -y

2. Set up the autocomplete in Bash into the current shell; bash-completion package should be installed first.

source <(kubectl completion bash) 
echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc 

3. Also, add the alias for the short notation of kubectl

echo "alias k=kubectl"  >> ~/.bashrc 
echo "complete -o default -F __start_kubectl k"  >> ~/.bashrc 

4. and source your ~/.bashrc  

source ~/.bashrc

Step 4: Install helm

1. Add this command in ~/.bashrc file.

echo "export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml" >> ~/.bashrc

2. run this in the command prompt.

source ~/.bashrc

3. Helm is a super tool to deploy external components. to install helm on cluster execute 

curl -fsSL -o && sudo bash

Step 5: Clone the CIM Repo

git clone -b <branch-name>

Replace the branch name with actual release.

Step 6: Install Traefik

Since we have disabled Traefik on installation, we need to install it now.

1. Change the directory to helm charts

cd cim-solution/kubernetes

2. Install the Traefik Helm Chart.

helm upgrade --install=true --namespace=traefik-ingress --wait=true  --timeout=15m0s --create-namespace --values=external/traefik/values.yaml traefik  external/traefik --debug

Step 7: CIM Deployment on Kubernetes

Please follow the steps in the document, Expertflow CX Deployment on Kubernetes to deploy Expertflow CX Solution.

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