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Agent Call Handling Capabilities

Expertflow CX enables the contact center agents to handle calls along with chat on all supported media channels.

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Agent Login

The agent logs into the Agent Desk Application using extensions created by the business administrators. The user authentication request is redirected to Keycloak for request verification. Upon confirmation, agents get logged in to the Agent Desk with access to the permitted resources.

Upon login, the agent receives a notification 'Login Successful with EFSwitch'. The global state and MRD state of the agent becomes automatically Ready 

Agent Login with Auto Ready States 

Incoming Call Alert

Agents can see a notification whenever there is a new incoming call from the customer. The call notification includes:
  • Customer Name (if identified) other wise Jane Doe (in case of anonymous customer)
  • Customer Channel Identity 
  • Customer-channel icon (A voice call icon)
  • Action button to Accept the call

Incoming Call Alert

Call Accept

Upon clicking on the  'Accept' call button, the agent can:

  • become a primary participant with all controls to handle the conversation
  • handle the customer profile (update or link the profile)
  • view Active Channel Sessions
  • view Call attached data
  • view call timer in mm: ss format

Call Accept

Controls on the CTI Toolbar

On accepting a call, CTI toolbar appears with the following controls:

  1. Minimize
  2. Mute/Unmute
  3. Hold/Resume
  4. End Call


This Minimize button provided on the toolbar facilitates the agent to clear his conversation view. As the agent accepts the call, the CTI toolbar pops up any where on the screen. On clicking this Minimize button, this toolbar moves automatically on the right hand expandable side of the conversation view.

 Minimize the CTI toolbar



button provided on the toolbar enables the agent to mute or unmute if and when required.

 Mute/unmute the Call

Call Hold/Resume

The agent can hold the call by clicking on the Hold button on being active on a call with the customer or with any other agent in case of consult or transfer.

In the same way, the agent can resume the call by clicking on the Resume button as soon as becomes available again.

For now, one button is being used for hold/resume.

Call Hold/Resume

End Call

The agent can end the call from CTI Toolbar by clicking on the End Call button. This will end the call leg between the agent and the customer.

End Call

Direct Transfer

This allows agents to transfer the call to another queue directly by clicking on the Transfer.  By transferring the call, the whole conversation will be transferred to another queue and to the available agent of that specific queue where the call is being transferred.

Direct Transfer

Call Activity

As the call ends, call activity appears on the Conversation View. To see the details, agent clicks on the dropdown arrow that shows the following information:
  • Call direction
  • Call legs
  • Call duration in mins: seconds format
  • Time of call


To logout, the agent clicks the profile menu at the top right on the Agent Desk and clicks on the Logout button. Selecting the reason at the time of logging out is optional.


Admin Configurations

To avail the features of CX Voice, the business needs to

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